I will kill you

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Michelle's Pov:

It has been 2 weeks, 2 weeks since I saw those dead bodies and 2 weeks since these voices in my head didn't stop whispering I seriously can't take this anymore these voices in my head get loud everyday but I try to ignore them, today was Saturday I was making Ness breakfast she is still sleeping I was making eggs and becon "Hey, mom can you wake Ness up breakfast is done" I asked and she nodded I sat down on the table where everyone else were I was looking in magazines top models and it was a little boring but Ness got down grabbed her plate and sat down next to me "what are you doing?" She asked I looked up and answered " Readying" and she nodded I look at her dress it was yellow with flowers "You look nice today" I said and she looked up and smiled "Thanks" she said while still smiling but her smile grow bigger I know something is up "Are you going somewhere?" I asked she looked at me with winded eyes "um- no" she answered quickly I put the magazines down "Don't lie to me" I said "I am not" she said "yes you are" I said "Am not"

"you are"






We continued like that for 30 more seconds and the family just looked at us knowing that I will win.


"Okay yeah I'm going somewhere" she finally said I just smirked "Don't you dare smirk " she said but I'm still smirking "and where are you going?" I asked she didn't answer "Ness" I said Ness ignored me got up and put her in the sink and drank some water the family looked at me knowing that something bad was going to happen I got up walked to her "Tell me" I said and she sooked her head the family came in the kitchen where we were "Ness just tell I'm not going to be mad" I said while smiling "Yes you are " she said scared like she was scared to tell me and started walking "Renesme Carlie Cullen!" I yelled Ness froze she knew this would happen but she was just scared to tell her because she really would be mad and she turn around "Tell me" Ness took a deep breath "I'm going to a walk in the woods.." she said "I can feel that there's is But" I said "with Jacob" she said and I looked at her with winded eyes the family just looking at us "What?" I asked "What?" she said "you are just going for walk right?" I asked "Yes" she said I nodded "Okay have fun" I said and Ness and the family looked at me in shock they knew that I hate Jacob because of what he has done when Ness was born because tried to kill her behind Rose's back but he impirted if he didn't impirt Ness would be dead "Rally?" she said I nodded "Yeah just if he hurts you you know where to find me" I said while smiling walking out of the kitchen, I walked in the living room and sat down on the couch readying a magazine the family walked in smiling at me "What?" I asked but they were still smiling I knew it was about Ness "Okay I let her go with Jacob because he makes her happy and I just want my sissy to be happy" I said and the family's smile grow bigger I looked at the time it was 10:36am "are you guys going to sit because theres a baseball match they sat down and we watched it.

It was the afternoon and Ness still wasn't back, the voices in my head were loud really loud my family where trying to calm me down but I told them to stop because if they talk or yell the voices are going to get stronger and I am going to have to yell that's a thing that I learned we heard running from the woods It was probibly Ness she came I got up to asked how where things but before I could ask she was in my arms crying the family got up and came towards us "Ness what's wrong?" I asked "Jaco-ob" she answered I was now mad 'Nessie please ' I heard Jacob outside "Ness go to you're room. Now!" I said she did as I said I started walking "M, I think you should calm down remember the voices if you start yelling it will make you scream" said Mom but I ignored her I slammed the door open and saw Jacob I front of me I grabbed his sholders and threw his of the porch "what did you do!?" I yelled the whole family was outside Jacob got up and said "You'll brake me to paces if I tell you" "I'm going to break you to paces anyway!" I said and Emmet smirked waiting for a fight "Look.." Jacob said while walking closer "i accidently kissed a girl who looked like Nessie . A total misunderstanding" he added I was now pissed because we all have told him not to call her Nessie it makes her feel bad because it reminds her of the Lock Ness Monster I started walking down the stairs and Jacob stopped because he knew that this will end bad "i leave her with you once. ONE TIME Jacob!. AND SHE ALREADY COMES HOME HEARTBROKEN!" I yelled and I could see that Jacob was scared of me I mean the whole pack is scared of me "Look I didn't mean too like I said a total misunderstanding" he said while his voice cracked "That's what you said when I broke my hand when I was still human" Mom said the whole family were pissed of him "Bella shut up I'm talking with you're Physico daughter " he said and then he knew that he made a mistake I grabbed his arm and twisted it and It broke and again I threw him and he hit the tree really hard "If I ever and when I mean ever I mean EVER, SEE YOU WITH HER AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU JACOB BLACK!" I yelled Jacob was in his wolf form now and he ran away, the whole family smiled at me "Grate job Darlin' I'm proud" said Jazz he put a arm around my waist I smiled a little at him "How are the voices ?" Asked Mom "a little louder but I'll be fine" I said and we all got back in the house we all went in Ness's room to see her asleep a grabbed the blanked and covered her we all went down staris and sat in the living room "So what do you guys wanna do? "asked Alice "how about we watch a funny movie we haven't watch one of those in years" said Lucas and we all nodded and we all laughed at Frank & Josh it was really funny. 

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