Chapter 8

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{Luz POV}
{Get ready to swearing almost in every chapter}
{Authors Note: this chapter include needed explanation about Enigranosses and Luz herself}
{Luz's Bday.}
I woke up and look over me, i saw Amity, who was resting on my chest, her arms were wrapped around my body. I smiled and pat her head. I would look for my scroll to watch time. I remembered that i put it on other side of room. 'Fuckk!' I hissed, but i remembered something and slap my head, i can do frickin magic now. I would do spell circle, summoning my scroll, And actualy idk how did i became so good at magic because its literally 2nd day of me knowing that i can do magic without necklage..

I honestly dont know where it go but it look like i dont needed it.

I wouls unlock scroll and look on time. '4 am.. Why i am up that ear-' my mind was cutted off by sudden pain like hurt in lower belly. I would hiss through closed teeth. I would carefully move Amity at side, while carefully getting out of bed. Once i stand pain became worse, and now my back's lower part itch too. What the heck- dont tell me its- oh god. I would quickly go to Bathroom,  i quickly moved my arm near my thighs and check for anything sticky and blood like.

I look on finger and of course.. what could it be, Right! IT IS PERIOD. I hissed again and look over for pads or tampons. Nothing found around. I groaned but way, no WAY louder. I would hear how somebody walk to bathroom's door.

'Luz- is everything alright?...' Amity asked me with sleepy voice.

'Ah!- A-Amity- w-well im..' i thought if i should say it or no. 'Well im alright! I just hit my toe!' Great now i am liar. I would look over at my bag i once left here and quickly dashed to it incase there would be some pads. And lucky for me there was few. I quickly took one, unpacked and wear it.

{Time skip to 12 am}

I somehow got some sleep, like a hour or so, but i felt better by now and i wanted to do something- like, jump or run but i couldn't, god- and a perfect date for period - my bday. Althought im a 'big girl' now. 17 years.. not much but not small count.

Since i wasnt able to run and jump i went to small library at owl house and took a book. It was something like 'Ancient Creatures of Boiling Isles' or 'Historician Creatures of Boiling Isles', dunno. But thing i found in it, kinda shock me.

Something about Enigrannosses, exactly same abilities i had. Also ecplanation why i could do magic that good, but why abilities woke 2 days ago, arwnt they suppose to appear like any abilities at 9 years? I mean some get them at 4 or 5 but me? At 16? Maybe something triggered them..

''Gosh i am idiot! Necklage! Necklage triggered abilities!-'' i didnt noticed how i screamed. I heared angry yowl from Eda.

'KID LET ME SLEEP UNTIL 2 PM ITS SATURDAY FOR TITAN'S SAKE' i twitched when she yowl but giggled alittle.

I countined reading and got an idea, i might be hybrid, thats why my abilities has to be triggered, also this ecplains my round ears and how i borned on Earth instead of Boiling Isles or somebody's dimension.

I didnt notice how it passed straight 2 hours of reading, Eda woke 1.5 hour ago and went somewhere out.

I got to know that Enigrannosses have almost no info about them. And i start to worry if there any Enigrannoss left out there.

I heared Door open and close, then steps to me and i saw Amity.

'Amityy!' I ran to her and hug her tight. I missed this girl. My head was on her shoulder when i felt my teeth hurt. I would push Amity off but my teeth still hurt. 'God.. i want you to bite her...' Said something in my mind. It was like my Inner self or something like that.

'Hey Luz? Luuz?-' Amity was shaking me when i got back from mind.

'GAH- sorey sorey, i got clouded.' I eubbed back of my neck.

'Its okay just.. Do yoy ever saw your father actually?' Amity asked me, holding my hand.

'Oh.. Father?.. No- i never saw him. Only on pics and this was once..' i felt sad since i never got to see my biological father. I would feel how my teeth hurt more but now only fangs. I hissed though pain.

'Luz? Are you alright-?' Amity asked me, it was visible she was scared and worried.

'Just.. my fangs hurt bad.. like i want to bite something but- i dont get what or why i do want to..' i felt how my fangs itch more when Amity move closer to me. I felt a lighting over my spine. And it was actualy there- i think even Amity saw it, since lightings flew over me now. 'Uhh-? What is hapeni-' i was cut off because i got glitched somewhete. It was pitch black but started to get colors. I saw i was in a room, it was white and somewhere pale blue or pale gold.

I saw a figure infront of me. It looked like me but.. More Fluffy and like a creature not human. It also has horns and its body looked like animals. I saw how it transfoemed into more human like creature but still with features of that creature.

'Oh hello! I am your Inner self or just Zul!' Creature put hand infront of me and i would shake it in greet.

'Hello Zul.. Im Luz- pretty fun since your name is mine just inverted.'

'Haha! Yep. I guess you may wonder why are you here, welp.. im here because i saw something beetween you and Amity!' She giggled righr after.

'Whaaa?! How!'

'Silly willy i am your inner self. I know all memories. From first sound.. to this event wìth Amity, heh. ' i was red. i knew it because of my radiating cheeks. ' But im worried why didnt you mark her yet? '


'Uh ye- OHHH right you dont know. Well it basicaly gonna let her have some power similiar to you and basicaly make her your mate- '

I look on her, my eyes wide, all this time when i got my abilities i could share them with Amity.. 'But.. Will it affect Amity or me?'

'Sadly yes. Either Amity or you, but probaly you will go insane for time.. like not in murderous way.. more uh.. romantical one, but this will be BEFORE marking.. your teeth will hurt around her and some time later POOF youre insane.'

'My teeth do hurt around her...' i mumble

'GAH?! Its gonna be improssible for you to mark her due to that period thingy! Ya know what? Ill just...' she clicked with hand and i felt how pain in lower belly and back gone. 'Now no Period! This wont affect you but you will be more horny since it was supposed to be your period and you basicaly removed it for this time. Now dont worry ill send you back and- dont hold yourself. Cya!'

Everything went white and i was back. I saw Amity and she ran to hug me.   'Luz! Where were you.. i was worried!'

I felt how my teeth hurt.. oh god.  'I am fine Amity, just went on little talk and uh... i kinda found out i can go insane any moment, not murderous type but a romanticaly one.. ' i felt that sometjing clicked inside me rolling my mind mad.

'Oh god- i think it start--'..

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