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Alex sighed at what felt like and probably was the eight glare from a stranger in the waiting room. If it wasn't Henry, he'd probably be annoyed too as Henry was quite rapidly tapping his foot and drumming his fingers on the side of the armchair, quite an odd look for the Prince of Wales.
    "Hen, love," Alex whispered, placing his hand on Henry's knee, slowing its movements.
    "Sorry, sorry, I'm just—"
    "Nervous," Alex finished for him. "I know, baby, but it's just one tooth. You've been through much, much worse than the removal of a single tooth."
    "I know, I just," Henry began before sighing.
    "It's gonna be okay," Alex smiled, pressing a lingering kiss to his boyfriend's hair who blushed in return. Henry dropped his head on Alex's shoulder and kept it there for a while.
    "Mr. Fox Mountcristen-Windor," the short, brunette nurse called as she opened the door from the hall with a smile when her eyes landed on the pair wrapped up together.
    "That's you," Alex smiled, pressing one last kiss to Henry's head before he stood up. He walked towards the nurse before turning around and glazing at Alex with those big, blue eyes, an ocean of fear, and love once his eyes met Alex's.
    "I love you," he mouthed to his boyfriend who he was quite jealous of at the moment due to the fact that he was not getting a tooth ripped out in mere minutes.
    "I love you," Alex mouthed back, a sly smile dancing on his lips. He chuckled a bit at his overly dramatic boyfriend once he'd left the waiting room, pulling out his phone and opening up his guilty pleasure, Candy Crush. While his boyfriend was scared shitless about the dreadful tooth, Alex knew that all would be fine.
    "Mr. Claremont-Diaz, he's finished," the same nurse from before called an hour later to which Alex's head shot up from his phone. He stood up and followed the nurse into the hallway and to the room where Henry was waiting for him. Alex stifled back a laugh at the sight before him, Henry was sprawled out across the chair, a doctor removing his hands from the chair's buttons that he kept touching as he giggled out of his mind.
    "Baby?" Alex spoke, laughter laced in his tone.
    "Alex," Henry giggled before yelling much louder, "ALEX!" causing the nurses in the room to jump back and Alex to race over and shush him.
"Hen, my love, shh," Alex spoke, running his fingers through Henry's hair. This apparently was not the right thing to say, because it sent Henry into a fit of not giggles, but a loud obnoxious laughter that Alex only heard rarely when Henry had too much to drink. Alex gave sympathetic glances to the doctor and nurses as he tried to calm Henry down some more.
"Henry, can we play the quiet game?" Henry's eyes suddenly widened as he rapidly nodded his head. Alex sighed, feeling like a winner, until a whimper was heard from Henry and tears were falling from his eyes.
"Oh baby, what's the matter?" Alex shushed, wiping the tears from Henry's face.
"I—I didn't like the quiet game, Alex, ALEX!" Henry spoke, going from a soft, sad whisper to another obnoxious yell.
"Yes, darling?" Alex laughed.
"Who's Alex?"
"You're the one who said it, love."
"Said what?" Henry blurted, looking confused as ever. Alex only chuckled and squeezed his hand before turning to the doctor, "Not that I'm not clearly enjoying every moment of this, how long will he be like this?"
The doctor chuckled before speaking, "He should get tired in about an hour or so and he'll be fine when he wakes up." Alex nodded and turned back to Henry who quite resembled the heart-eyes emoji at the moment.
"What is it?"
"You're really handsome," Henry said with a dopey smile.
"Thank you, baby," Alex's grin quickly turned to a frown as Henry's eyes began to tear again.
"Baby, what is it now?"
    "I just called you handsome," he cried, tearing his hand from Alex's and placing his face in his hands.
"Henry," Alex softly spoke, gently taking his hands away from his face. "What's wrong with calling me handsome?"
"I have a boyfriend, his name is Alex, he's gonna be so mad at me for calling you handsome." Alex couldn't help but laugh at his thoughtful boyfriend.
"He's not gonna be mad at you, Henry."
"He's not?"
"He's not."
"You promise?"
"I promise."
Twenty minutes later and with the help of the doctor and three nurses, Henry was back in the car and staring at Alex as he drove.
"Alex, Alex, Alex," Henry kept repeating dreamily.
"Hi baby," Alex giggled while keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.
"Hi, Alex, Alex, ALEX!" Henry finished with a scream that almost caused Alex to sharply hit the breaks.
"Henry, stop doing that," Alex said, apparently a bit too stern for Henry's liking because for the third time, he was crying.
"Oh baby," Alex cracked once he'd stopped at the red light.
"You're mad at me, you hate me," Henry cried, turning away from Alex.
"No, Hen," Alex spoke, placing his hand on Henry's knee.
"You got mad at me," Henry sobbed some more.
"No my love, you just scared me, that's all. I could never hate you, I love you so much, you just scared me baby, I'm not mad."
"You promise?" Henry cracked, now facing Alex, his big blue eyes staring at him.
"I promise, I love you so much, even when you're loopy as hell."

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