1. My name is Haneul Lee

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'Are you okay Daisy?' mom's voice came to me.

'What? Oh, I'm fine,' I said vaguely.

'Is it that you're nervous dear?' Grandma asked.

'Well, erm, yeah, a little bit,' I said, still poking the egg and toast that was on my plate but not eating it.

'Come dear, eat your breakfast, you to eat well if you want to keep up your strength on your first day of college,' said auntie Rose.

I didn't answer as I stared at my plate. Mom, Gran and Auntie Rose meant well. They always did. But I just couldn't eat. The nerves were filling up my stomach and I was sure that if I added something to it, I would definitely throw up.

I looked at my watch. It was still early, and I only needed to catch the bus in 30 minutes. 

Still, better be going now.

'I think I'll go now. I don't want to be late,' I said, leaving the table. 

'You sure you don't want anything to eat darling?' Gran asked. I shook my head and smiled at her reassuringly.

Fifteen minutes later I was sitting on the bus. As I had left earlier, I had taken a bus earlier.

Nervously I picked at my nails while looking at the screen with the stops on it. I knew I wouldn't get out on the wrong stop. I knew everything would be okay. But still...

'Next stop, Saint James University,' a cool voice sounded.

As stung by a bee, I jumped up and made my way over to the doors. It took another five minutes before we finally got there. 

Fumbling with my card I scanned it, and almost dropped it. 

My legs were shaking as I walked up to the university. It was still so early that there was barely anyone around. I noticed there were only a few cars in the parking lot, probably owned by teachers that had come early to prepare their lessons. 

I looked at my phone to double-check which classroom I had to be in. Even though I knew my timetable by heart and I knew full well that my first lesson was in the east wing on the first floor in classroom 6b.

There was no one inside yet but the door was open. I stood there for a second and looked around. It was so big. Bigger than I ever imagined. My mom had warned me about this. 

After high school, I had worked at Venetia Parlour, an ice cream shop around the corner. I had enjoyed my time there and the pay was good. But when Gran had finally won 100.000 dollars she insisted I use it to go back to school and make something of myself. 

'You are destined to do good in this world, spread joy. You are worth so much more than just a waitress at an ice cream parlour,' Gran had said. 

I had been upset by her words at first. I liked working at Venetia's and I didn't feel like there was anything wrong with being a waitress. I had also felt instantly pressured. "Destined to do good?" but how? Couldn't I just be me?

But eventually, I had given in to her and decided I might like to become a teacher. 

And today was my first day of college.

The lecture room had so many rows of seats. It was at least twice as big as my classroom in high school. 

Should I sit in the back? But I might not be able to see or hear everything. But I would be able to hide myself.

Should I sit in the front? I used to sit in the front in high school. It was calmer there and I could concentrate more easily. But I might come off as too eager.

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