9. I think I might be in heaven

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My next maths lesson I almost skipped. It was only because I knew I really needed it that I went. 

I felt dead nervous having to face Haneul again. I knew he probably wouldn't say anything since it was a school day but still...

I arrived early this time not because I was eager to see him but because I know it would get me the best seat.

And this time the best seat was in the back. All the way in the back.

When Haneul arrived I saw him look at my spot, and waver in his tracks when he saw I was not there. 

Nonetheless, he started the lesson as usual. Between every few sentences, however, he seemed to be scanning the room.

I let myself slide down my seat as far as possible.

But it was of no use.

He spotted me and paused.

It was too far away for me to see his face or read his expression. 

I looked away from him at my book. 

I could not face him.

That week I spent almost every second debating whether or not I should go to his tutoring lesson

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That week I spent almost every second debating whether or not I should go to his tutoring lesson.

Even that Saturday morning I still wasn't sure of what to do as I stood in the open door of the empty classroom.

I picked nervously at my nails as I stared at the empty desk.

'You're here,' His voice came from behind me.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

I turned around. 

His face was unreadable. 

I quickly turned away from him again and walked into the classroom. 

There was no hiding from him now.

I couldn't go sit in the back.

I took my place at my usual spot and started to unpack. 

As I placed my book on my desk I felt a hand placed on mine. I looked up.

Haneul was standing next to me. He had taken off his jacket and his tie was crooked again.

I felt my heart pound in my head and I quickly pulled back my hand and looked the other way.

I felt him come sit beside me.

'I see you haven't forgiven me for last Saturday. Honestly, I don't blame you. I was acting irrationally and taking advantage of your drunkness,' He said in a quiet voice.

I looked at him in surprise. His face was serious and his brows were furrowed. His dark eyes looked at me worried. 

'Why would you say that? I asked dumbfounded.

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