15. I will give you some attention

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'So what do you want? I got Bacardi, Devil Springs Vodka, Brown Ale, Jack Daniels,  London Dry Gin, Jaegermeister,' Andy started naming, then he looked over at me.

'You know what, you can read, just pick something,' He said.

'Erm,' I said looking at all the different kinds of bottles. 'I don't know.' I said biting my lip.

'That's okay,' Andy said casually. 'How about this one, it's your boys' favourite,' He took the bright green bottle and gave it to me. The label was in a language I couldn't read.

'Sure,' I said, curious about what it would be since Haneul had talked about it, even though I knew I was already tipsy.

Andy poured my cup almost to the brim and I quickly took a sip so as not to spill any over the edge. It tasted very odd and very strong but I could just keep myself from coughing.

'Andy, come play with us,' A girl called over to Andy. They had set up the table, that they had used earlier for belly button shots, with beer pong. 

'Duty calls,' Andy said winking at me and walking over to the girls. 

I watched them play as I slowly drank from my cup. Even though I hated the taste, I couldn't stop drinking.

I was barely a quarter in when I could clearly feel the alcohol running through me. 

I giggled as Andy scored the last point and the game of peer pong ended. 

I looked around me.

It had been ages since I had last saw Haneul.

"Hadn't he said that he was just going to the bathroom?" a voice in my head said sneakily.

Why was he taking so long? 

I tumbled my way out of the kitchen, spilling some of my drink, but not caring about it.

I looked all over for him on the ground floor but he was nowhere to be found.

I started to feel a bit angry with him.

Why was he taking so long?

How could he leave me here? All alone? Unprotected?

With some difficulty, I climbed the stairs. 

I looked around and finally saw him. He was close by, his hand on the barrister of the landing. 

Opposite him stood a very beautiful girl with long brown hair and wearing a pink, high-cut bathing suit that contradicted her dark skin beautifully. 

They were talking.


This was why he had taken so long?

He was talking to another girl? 

Behind him, I saw the girl from earlier who had asked me to make out with her. Aimee, I remembered. 

A sly plan popped into my head. 

"Do it" the alcohol whispered in my ear.

I would show him.

'Hey Haneul, hold this,' I said striding by him and pressing my cup into his hands, spilling some over him at the same time.

I intentionally did not look at his face.

'Hey Aimee,' I called out as I walked over to her. She looked up from the conversation she was having and raised a brow at me.

'What?' she said, somehow managing to be flirty although she only said one word.

'How about that kiss?' I asked her and she grinned at me. I took my cardigan off and threw it away. I did not care where it would land. I felt like I was standing in the middle of a volcano. Maybe it was the alcohol that made me feel so warm or maybe it was just my anger which made me boil.  I walked straight towards her, put my arms around her neck, stood on my tiptoes and kissed her. 

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