5. Doing what you desire

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I found that I was looking more and more forward to Haneul's classes. I also was working harder than ever before on my schoolwork. I wanted more than ever to do a good job at maths. Luckily my hard work and the tutoring was starting to pay off. All assignments seemed to get easier as I went along, and I finished them much faster than before.

On the one hand, I was happy about this. And I knew Haneul would be pleased with my progress.

On the other hand, I was afraid that if I would improve too much, he might not need to tutor me anymore.

"But you still have your assertiveness training," I thought to myself.

Thats true. And up to now, the assertiveness training had been much more interesting that the maths tutoring. Much more interesting indeed...

Friday morning I got an unexpected text message

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Friday morning I got an unexpected text message.

Hi Daisy!
Omg it's been way too long ago since we spoke!
How are you doing?
I heard somewhere that your grandma finally won something from those scratch tickets.
If anyone deserves it, it is your family.
How about we meet up sometime soon?
I'm in town this weekend
I've missed you tons!
How about Saturday night?
Let's go out at Edgars' Palace.
I heard it's new and that it's amazing.
See you there? Around nine?
Love Jessica

Jessica had been my friend all through high school. Just like me she had not gone to college afterwards but had started working. She however had gotten a job at some fancy jewellery store across the country and had moved away. As all relationships do when someone moves a 5 hour drive away, we tried to make it work at first, but after a while, our relationship had faded away.

I was happy to hear from Jessica though, and I was keen to see her again, even though I wasn't really the going-out type of girl. I was wondering how she was doing as well, what kind of job she had now, if it was still the same job and whether she had already bought a house.

Dear Jessica,
How lovely it is to hear from you again!
I would love to meet with you.
Saturday at nine would be perfect.
Meet you at Edgar's Place then.
I have so much to tell you!
Love Daisy <3

I sent the text message and looked at it happily for a second.

If we were to meet up Saturday night, there was a great possibility of it getting late. And with Jessica, it was guarded to be very very late. That meant I would need to sleep in on Sunday, which would take away a lot of my study time.

I sighed.

This would mean that it would be best to try and get as much done as I could tonight, since tomorrow morning I had tutoring, and after I would be getting ready to go out with Jessica.

This would mean that it would be best to try and get as much done as I could tonight, since tomorrow morning I had tutoring, and after I would be getting ready to go out with Jessica

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