Dec 29: To Jeong-Hyeok

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Apologies my friends. I realized I'd missed posting this letter after I posted the Dec 30 letter to Se-ri. Let me know if you'd like it in order and I can republish both. 

And thank you to all who are voting and commenting on the story. :) 


Dec 29



How is it that I was eating like a pig when I was with you, and now that I'm back here, I've lost my appetite. I think it is the company I eat with and the surroundings I live in that had made me a picky eater. All that Bouillabaisse doesn't even hold a candle to the food you cooked with your hands. Candle, sheh! See, you're never far from my thoughts no matter what I do.

It's close to 10 in the night now. I still haven't had dinner nor do I feel like having it. I'm still in office, trying to absorb myself in work so that I do not have to face the reality that you are no longer there. I know I'm being careless about my health and this would have irked you if you knew. But I have become better, kinder. Proof? I sent Mr. Hong and the team off early today. You should have seen the expression on Mr. Hong's face. He stared at me as if I'd grown horns. I wonder what would he say when he got to know where I'd disappeared to and that his cold and uptight boss is currently lovesick.

It's fifteen minutes past 10 now and I'm still here, lost in your thoughts. Should I even go home or stay back and work even more?

The truth is I haven't been sleeping well again. Every night as I lie in my huge plush bed (which suddenly seems way too exorbitant and way too huge for a single person), I end up staring at the ceiling for hours at stretch. I keep rolling from side to side, thinking about you and what you are doing. And then I pop a sleeping pill in my mouth and wait for oblivion and darkness to surround me.

Are you able to sleep at nights or do you also stay awake till wee hours of the morning like me?

I wonder what is love? Is it hoping you are as miserable without me as I am without you? And that you are missing me to such an extent that it is unbearable. Or would it be when I wish that you do not think of me or miss me at all, that you are smiling and laughing and looking forward to a happy life even when it is without me.

Missing you terribly,


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