chapter 2: typical morning

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I forgot to mention at the start about characters. The person speaking at the moment is called April and she's 16.more characters will come in as the story goes on. Thanks for reading :)

April's POV

Beep Beep Beep' Beep.' My eyes shoot open to the sound of my alarm. I mentally kicked myself for setting that stupid thing the night before.

Luckily it was still only 6:30 in the morning so the sun wasn't blinding me to death, in fact if you didn't have a clock you could easily mistake it for being midnight because it's that dark outside.

I groan loudly when I suddenly realise that today was the first day of year 11, great. Just what I need.

I got into the shower and washed my hair. I then quickly got dressed into my school uniform and rushed downstairs.

I looked up at the clock that hung above the back door as I dragged myself into the kitchen. 7:15 "hmm not bad" I said out loud in an almost shocked tone. After all, it is the first day of school after a 6 week long summer holiday.

I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard as well as the first cereal box that caught my eye which just so happened to be frosties.

I then went to the fridge and took the milk out while grabbing a spoon from the draw beside the fridge.

I then went and sat at the table with my breakfast. About 2 minutes later I heard the front door slam shut. I stopped eating and remained quiet. I slowly got up and peered round the corner towards the stairs.

Just as I had suspected there stood my dad looking like death itself.

It was pretty obvious where he'd been, he spends basically all of his life at that stupid pub , or at least he has ever since mum left, see that's the thing, when mum left so did dad, well his soul anyway. I don't blame Liam for leaving, I mean who wouldnt.

Then a thought entered my mind "why haven't I ?" But I brushed the thought away as soon as it came. My dad needs me, and I need him, after all he's all I got left in this messed up world.

I watched him as he walked/staggered up the stairs, I felt so helpless because there's nothing I could do to help. He does this every day and I've tried everything that's physically possible but nothing I do helps him which makes me feel rubbish.

The door shut upstairs signalling that dad was probably now passed out on his bed or something.

I washed up my bowl and looked towards the clock again I sighed when I realised it was 7:35. Another 45 minutes until school.

Those 45 minutes passed by faster than I would have liked and before I knew it I was walking down my road towards school.

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