chapter 5: care home?

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By the time I had got to school, lessons had already started. Never in my life had I ever been late for school before. Well until today anyway.

I walked in to my first lesson and all eyes were on me. I felt my cheeks warming up  in embarrassment as I made my way to my seat as quietly as possible.

Unfortunately for me though , I wasn't quiet enough.

"Ah April nice of you to join us" Mr Johnstone said.

"Sorry I'm late sir"

"Hmm just don't let it happen again". He said before turning back to the board and continuing on with whatever he was doing before I walked in.

The rest of that lesson went on slower than I would have liked.

As I walked up the corridor towards my next lesson I couldn't help but feel someone's eyes on me. And believe me it's not a very comforting feeling.

It was almost impossible to see who it was though since there was loads of people around and after all  it could be anyone.

I got to my next lesson, on time this time.

The teacher walked in and everyone began to quieten down, a few finishing off their conversation quickly.

"April can you go see the head now please"? Mrs Rudd told me in a surprisingly kind tone.

"Erm,  yeah"? I managed to stutter out. Why on earth would the head want to see me in the middle of lesson?

I walked out the classroom and headed  towards Mr Clarkson's office.

Whatever it was the he wanted to see me about, I got the feeling it wasn't going to be about something good, it never was if you got dragged out of the lesson for it.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in" someone replied back

I opened the door to see the Mr Clarkson talking with 2 people I had never seen before.

One was a woman with blonde hair who looked about 40 and the other was a rather tall looking man who looked to be in his early 20s.

My first thoughts about this not being good were defiantly being confirmed now.

"April please, sit " Mr Clarkson  said firmly yet kindly

I sat down feeling completely confused as to why I was here.

"April, this is Chris and Lucy from Westside" Mr Clarkson continued

"April I'm afraid your dad is very ill and so he's been taken to hospital where he will revive the medical treatment he requires." The one I'm assuming was Lucy  told me kindly.

"Wait what ? what do you mean ill ?" I asked slightly confused

"He's drinking problem and depression has caused some difficulties within his body and so he requires special medical attention in order to help him get back on his feet." She replied back.

"Oh" was all I managed to say at that moment in time.

"I'm afraid however his treatment will be long term and he will have to stay at the hospital during this time and since you are still only 16 you will have to come to stay with us at Westside." Chris told me with a hint of sympathy in his tone.

"Westside?" I repeated questionably having absolutely no clue what or where it was.

"Yeah it's a care home for children aged 10-18" Chris continued.

I sat back in my seat trying to take all of this new information in.

Sure I knew my dad was ill and he needed help but I had never considered or even thought about having to live in a care home.

"We know this is a lot to take in, so you are allowed to leave school for today  if you would like,  just to get settled in better at Westside ?  " Mr Clarkson said.

"No it's ok , I don't see how it would help". I replied truthfully

"Ok then April. We will be here to pick you up at 3:30 is that ok? " Chris asked me politely.

"Erm ...yeah ...Ok?" I replied unsure of what to say.

"Ok then you can go now April" Mr Clarkson said.

"Ok" I replied getting up and walking to the door.

What is happening with my life all the sudden?

First Brooke then Liam now a flipping care home? Something is going on and I need to find out what.

And something tells me Liam knows. After all why else would he turn up now after 3 years of hearing absolutely nothing from him ?

"Oh and April ?" Lucy said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I replied turning to face them once again

"I think your going to love it with us". She replied back

I smiled sarcastically at them before walking out into the quiet corridor

"Yeah , not likely " I mumbled under my breath while walking back to my lesson.

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