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Flor's POV

"George, you are...SAFE!" Austin announced. "I'm sorry Quackity but you're out."

"LET'S GO!" George cheered, bouncing up and down in his chair.

"Flor I thought what we had was special." Quackity fake cried.

I shrugged. "We never had anything babe."

George laughed. "You're popping off Flor."

Austin interrupted, "Quackity did you choose love or host."

"Oh, right. I chose love." He chuckled, leaving the call soon after. But he never chooses love.

"Well that's new," Austin muttered. "Now to the interesting part! George, did you choose love or host?"

George took a deep breath, exaggerating the bit. "I chose....LOVE!"

George stepped out his chair, doing a stupid dance. "I'm popping off!" He cheered before getting on his bed and jumping on it.

"You're such a child," I rolled my eyes. "But I picked you because I like that about you." I laughed before getting up myself.

Now George and I were doing stupid dances and bouncing on our beds.

"You're both such babies I swear." Austin sighed.

"Okay we're done now," I gasped for breath. "That's such a workout. Never doing that again." I said as I sat back onto my chair, George doing the same.

꒰ ‧ ‧₊˚ time skip ₊˚ˑ ⊹ ꒱

"Well you see Flor, George doesn't stop talking about you. It's getting annoying if you ask me."

"Oh come on now. I talk about George sometimes to Jordan and she doesn't mind." I rolled my eyes.

"BUT GEORGE HAS IT BAD FLOR!" Sapnap whined, looking at the screen with a pleading look.

"Yeah, whatever." I huffed trying to hold back a smile, failing miserably.

Sapnap sighed. "I guess I could just stop talking to you."

"What?! No!" I screamed into the screen.

"Then tell George to stop talking about you all the time!"

"What am I supposed to say?" I questioned. "George please stop talking about me to your dumbass friend that goes by Sapnap." I tried mocking George's accent, failing miserably.

"You- you can't- you can't mock british accents for shit." He said through laughs.

"Yes I can, look!" I told him. "Hello Sapnap sir. Would you like some tea with biscuits." I mocked the accent again.

This only caused Sapnap to wheeze harder. "Biscuits are for dogs you dumbass!"

"What, no they're not!" I defended.

"Yes they are you dumb shit." He yelled back.

"Search it up and tell me if i'm wrong." I huffed, looking anywhere except my phone.

He agreed, going up to his computer and searching it up. I grinned, looking at him.

His face immediately fell. "You were right.." He muttered, not looking at me.

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘, georgenotfound Where stories live. Discover now