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Flor's POV

"Hello chat!" I yelled into the mic while waving at the camera. "Today we are going to be playing bedwars!"

user4 donated $10!
'when is the special stream happening?'

"Thank you for the ten! Uh, the stream should be tomorrow i believe." I smiled at the camera before opening minecraft on my monitor.

I quickly loaded bedwars onto my computer, choosing teams of two. "By the way chat, last time I played i completely sucked at this."

My screen quickly loaded, showing I was team blue. I ran over to grab the materials I needed to quickly cover up my bed.

"Do you guys know how the fuck I can win this?" I muffled a laugh. "I suck at speed bridging, let me try my best."

I quickly started to speed bridge, close to the center of the map. "GUYS LOOK, I'm doing so good!" I ran over to get the gold before going back to my base and getting a diamond sword, ladders, and iron armor.

I went to f5 mode and repeatedly clicked shift. "Guys look how swag I look. Dream's green ass would never." I laughed before going over to pinks base.

The person in pink base was guarding the bed, trying to make it hard for others to get their bed. "Chat look at this!" I smirked. I stopped doing the bridge half of the way, close to the roof of the base. I quickly placed a fire ball down, sending me flying to the top of the roof. Before I landed, I placed a ladder down to avoid any damage.

"Guys I take back what I said. I'M SO GOOD AT THIS!" I yelled into the microphone while laughing. The person in pink quickly tried to hit me with their sword but I was faster. I hit them until they fell off the base, quickly destroying the bed.

"LET'S GO!!" I cheered while grabbing more materials and iron.

I continued doing the same until it was just the green team left.

"Okay chat this is it!" I smiled before bridging to green base. "FUCK THEY HAVE ALL DIAMONDS."

They quickly hit me, almost making me fall off the edge. I placed blocks down to go up to the base's roof. while they were bridging up themselves I hit them off the base, going down and destroying the bed.


"LET'S GO CHAT! WE DID IT!" I cheered. I stood up from my chair and ran in circles around my room.

I sat back in my chair gasping for air when I noticed someone had sent me a message. George.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath. "Uhm I gotta mute for a second chat, sorry." I smiled.

iMessages !

George :)
Good morning!

I just got in the train so I should be there in a few hours:]

Flor :]

That's great! Do you want me to pick you up?

George :)
I'll take an uber I'm fine

𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘, georgenotfound Where stories live. Discover now