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no one pov


kookie: .... are you sure baby?

muffin: yes. i dont wanna lie to minnie anymore :(

kookie: alright then. its your choice. just remember i'll be there with you, always. 

muffin: yes kookie

kookie: i gotta go to class now. go ask your cousin ok? see you baby. get some sleep! <3

muffin: ok kookie! bye bye


as tae set his phone down, jin just called him down stairs. probably for a snack and a movie. sighing nervously, tae got up and walked to the living room.

when he arrived, he smiled seeing jin with popcorn. "hey." jin smiled. tae smiled back, sitting next to him. once again sighing nervously.

"u-um jinnie?" he asked stuttering. "yes?" jin asked confused. tae stuttered again. "um.. can i go to jiminies again this weekend. h-he said his brother agreed to watch me again..." tae stuttered scared.

jin looked at the smaller, smiling softly at his scared little voice. ruffling his hair. "of course. what day and time?" he asked softly.

"u-um.. saturday at 11." tae said. jin nodded. "alright then." he said turning back to the movie happily.

taehyung felt both accomplished and bad for jins agreement. knowing he had lied... again. but it was for the good.. 

truth is, jin did feel a little sad that tae was always spending his weekends away. but then he remembered that, that was a selfish thing to think. 

i mean, the boy was growing up. and he felt so happy that he finally had a friend to spend time with. 

so those thoughts, would always quickly drown out the others.


as taehyung was kissed goodnight. jin walked out, turning off the lights. leaving a little night light on, just incase.

before taehyung could close his eyes to sleep. his eyes fell on his desk, white paper and crayons stacked ontop. showing in the very dim lit room.

he guessed jin placed them there after coloring one time. but seeing them sprouted a small idea in taes head.

he gave a little smile at the coloring equipment.


finally, friday had come. 

taehyung waved good bye to jin, walking into school.

sitting at his desk next to a boy in his class. glancing back at jimin who was looking out the window. his bag taking over taes previous spot.

tae huffed slightly to himself, pulling out his books. giving a small wave to his knew acquaintance jake. the two hadnt really talked since tae started sitting there, as jake seemed to really focus on the notes.

but he wasnt mean or anything. so taehyung could deal with that. starting to copy the notes aswell as class then started.

when the bell for lunch rang, tae waited for the other kids, like he did for the previous days this week. seeing jimins shoes walk past his desk, not waiting for him by the door.

taehyung bit the inside of his cheek sadly. sighing inaudibly to himself.

just one more day.... 


~earlier that same day. jungkook focus.~

the blonde sighed to himself, walking in the empty house. after the whole drama, jimin wasnt staying at home regularly. going back to his cold silent, and distant self.

he just wished this whole thing would be solved, and everything could work its self out.

which is exactly why he made his plan. and thankfully taehyung had agreed. no, it wasnt anything fancy or called for him to hire some crazy stunt double.

but, he knew it would be scary. for both him and taehyung.

especially as taehyung had told him he wanted to tell jimin he was a little also. 

he had nothing against it. as long as taehyung was happy. then he was happy. but he couldnt help but feel nervous for the both of them.

praying everything would work out.

jungkook grabbed an apple, and soon left the house in silence. not having to wash any dishes from making breakfast. which felt worse than he expected it too.

instead of liking the fact that he didnt have to clean up any messes. he felt empty that he didnt have his little brother to clean up after. 

he didnt like being alone.

with another sigh, jungkook was driving along the road. headed to college.

just one more day....


sorry this is so shorttt TT

but i wanted to do a double update before the tea tomorrowwww <33

luv chuuu



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