Chapter 2

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At home it was great. Mum showed me how to hold Ayden so his head didn't loll around and how to change him although I didn't appreciate it when he had a big stinky poo. He seemed to need changing all the time and feeding.

At night when he woke up I had to go wake Mum up because she wasn't an early person at all. If I could have fed him I wouldn't have needed to wake her up but she insisted to breast feed him.

The day after we came home a midwife came to the flat. Mum made me help her clean up first and shove all the clothes out of site and empty the plates into the bin and wash them.

"Wow! Very nice place you got here." The midwife said when she came in. I knew she wasn't telling the truth because she said it with that little bit of sarcasm in her voice. I didn't blame her really, I mean we lived in a flat in a bad area where there was graffiti everywhere and pee in the lift which is why the stairs were used so much.

"So how's our little boy then?" Asked the midwife who I found out her name was Monica.

"He's good, He drinks all his milk from Mum and he goes in his nappy all the time and cries alot and sleeps alot too." I piped up.

"Ha ha well you certainly pay lot's of attention to your little brother don't you! How's his belly button doing?"

"Okay...It's a little black and green-y. Is that normal?" Replied Mum.

"Yes it's fine. A little sore but should be fine within a couple of weeks." The midwife smiled.

When she had left Mum asked me to look after Ayden for a while because she had a headache. She went to the bottom cuboard and got out a bottle of red wine.

"I thought you had a headache Mum? Won't that make it worse?"

She mumbled something I couldn't hear and went into her bedroom. Ayden was crying again.

"Come on little baby boy, stop that crying, are you hungry? Mummy's just resting a little, you can have some lovely milk soon I promise." I told my crying brother. He looked up at me with pleading eyes. I wished  I could've fed him myself but I couldn't so I had to keep rocking him.

Aunt Bea showed up just liked she'd said much to my dissapointment. I had to let her in as Mum was still in her room.

"Where's your mother Elena?" She said looking around the room.

"In her bedroom Aunt Bea. She went in a few hours ago because she had headache. I think she's asleep so maybe you should come another day?" I said hopefully.

"No if your mothers ill I'll have to see her. Stay in here with Ayden okay?" I nodded and went back to the sofa with him. I was listening out for any noises from Mum's room. I wanted to know she was okay. I didn't have to listen hard though as both Mum and Aunt Bea were shouting loudly.

"Go away Bea! You know nothing about my life! Get out!"

"Nicky look at yourself!"

"What about you! You stupid fat--"

"Don't you even go there Nicky! If it weren't for me you wouldn't even be here right now!"

"And don't you feel high and mighty?! Never gunna let me forget it are you?!"

"You've got two kids out there Nick. And look at you. Your pissed out of your head!"

"Shut up Bea! You have em! If your so bothered take em with you!"

"You'll regret saying that." Aunt Bea said quietly.

"Whatever! I don't care!" Mum shouted a lot more and swore horribly at Aunt Bea. I'd never heard her like this before. It was frightning and I felt like crying because she was being so nasty. It all went quite for a while so I took Ayden to my room and shut the door. We laid on my bed and I wished I could have been the little baby then. I wanted to be the one that was too small to understand what was happening, I wanted to be the one that didn't have to worry about things. But I had to be the older one and look after him while Mum calmed down.

We don't need you anymore Mum...(BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now