Chapter 6

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I woke with a start. Anger surged through me. This was it. I was taking it no more. Mum was going to get a shock when and if she did come home.

I went into Mum's room and checked on Ayden. He was sleeping soundly. His chest rising and falling as he made snuffling sounds.

There was a brown over-the-shoulder bag in Mum's wardrobe that I grabbed and stuffed a ton of nappies into. Then I went to the drawers and got some baby growers and a couple of his little outfits.

Next I ventured into the living room where I got his bag of stuff that Mum used when we went out. I wasn't quite sure what was in there but I knew that Ayden needed it.

What was I going to do about his milk? I decided we'd cope with six bottles. Mum had changed him to formula after she had spent a whole day moaning about how breast feeding hurt so much. I got six different jugs and put a bottle in each. Then I added the formula and put all the bottles in the bottle warmer thing.

"Right, now for me." I muttered to myself. A wailing started coming from the other room. I pulled a face in asperation.

"Oh not now..." In I walked picking him up. I placed him in his bouncy chair. We had to get a move on. This time I was not forgiving Mum.

I wasn't sure what to put all my stuff into. I saw my old barbie suitcase in the corner. No, it was too baby-ish. But there was nothing else!

"Uhgh!" I moaned while stuffing everything into the pink and white case. I wasn't even sure what I was putting in. Clothes, my winter coat, boots, wellies, other stuff.

I saw a picture of Me and Mum. It was taken when we went to the fair after Mum's mean boyfriend left. I have candyfloss all over my face and Mum is hugging me. I remember her hugging me so hard I thought I was going to pass out!

I stuffed it in the bottom of the case. I suppose I could forgive her one day. Just not today.

Wait! I wasn't even dressed! All that was left in my wardrobe was a tiny t-shirt and very short jeans. They'd do.

I got dressed and went to get Ayden in his coat and pushchair. The pushchair was folded up and if I was honest I wasn't sure how to get it up. I pushed the little button but nothing happened. I kept trying but it didn't want to work.

I was just going to have to carry him in my arms. We hadn't bought a car seat as we didn't have a car.

I took one last look around the flat I'd spent my entire life in.

Was I doing the right thing?

Yes, I was quite sure. After all Mum couldn't keep leaving us like this. She couldn't just ask me and then not even listen. I bet it had been one of her scary boyfriends on the other end of the phone.

Money. I just remembered I needed money. I ran to my room and opened my piggy bank. There wasn't much in there. Just a few pound coins and quite a bit of change.

I put it in a purse a shoved it into my pocket. In the kitchen a few notes caught my eye. Twentys! I grabbed them with my sweaty hand.

Okay this was the last time I was going to see this flat. I opened the door with my spare key Mum had given me incase of emergencies. I turned locked the door.

And this was the start of my and Ayden's life on the streets...



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