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I awaken and James is asleep. I sit up and slowly straddle him. I look down at his sleeping form and don't understand why I'm supposed to get close to him. I mean aside from him being an unseen legend.

His face is relaxed when he's asleep. My eyes wander from the beautiful medium brown hair framing his chiseled face to his slim nose and soft looking lips. I lean down as my eyes wander to his metal arm. I lean down and look at it more closely.

There's scarred tissue right before the metal and I lightly touch it. My hand is caught instantly and his left hand wraps around my throat.

I grab his hand and look up at him scared. His grips tightens and my airway starts to slowly get closed off.

I choke,"James. James, stop."

He glared at me and I choke,"I was just curious. Let me explain...please."

He releases me and I take in a much needed breath of air. I look at him and he sits still as a statue waiting.

I rub my throat as I say,"I was curious. I've never seen anyone with a metal arm before. I was very curious on how your nerves worked with the mechanisms of it."

He tilts his head to the side slightly and I ask,"Can you feel anything with that arm?"

He doesn't answer and I say,"Lift your hand up."

He does and I place my palm against his. He looks at me and doesn't say a word.

He says,"I can't feel anything with that hand. Not like you think."

I trail my hand up the arm and stop when I get to where the metal and his skin meet. I hesitate and look at him. He is watching me and I light my trace the scars with my fingertips slowly. They're warm and smooth but raised above the rest of his skin just slightly. I see his breath hitch as I trace his scars.

I ask,"What about here?"

He says,"I can. It's just something I try not to dwell on."

I look up at him and he is watching me. He's focused as I shift on his lap and realize how close we truly are. My cheeks redden and I quickly look down. I realize I have no clothes and need to go shopping.

I ask,"Is there any way we can go out today and get me some clothes. I don't think showing up to your boss in one of your t shirts will give the right impression."

He looks at me his face goes to a closed off look and I say,"James, if I wanted to run, I would have last night. I'm still here."

He says,"You do need clothes."

I reply,"You can follow me but I NEED clothes."

He nods and I get up my hands slowly falling from his body. I don't notice how James' face falls when my hands aren't on him since I am heading to the bathroom.

I say,"I'm gonna try to make myself presentable to go out."

I shut the door and lock it. Quickly relieve my bladder and use the hotel complimentary toothpaste and toothbrush. I unlock the door and poke my head out.

I say,"I'm gonna take a quick shower."

Silence is my response and I walk out of the bathroom and see James standing by the window watching outside.

I say,"James."

He doesn't move and I decide it's better if I just take a shower. I carefully wash my body since I did slice my leg. I wrap my body in a towel and walk out of the bathroom. I'm adjusting the towel when I bump into something hard. I look up and see James.

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