Breaking Free

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I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life.

It was 1 minute to 5 and Seungri stood outside his flat block nervously awaiting for Jiyong's arrival.

To: Daesung Kang

Has he left his flat yet?

Sent: 4:59

From the flat, Daesung peered out of the window to the path below him and texted back.

To: You might as well ignore his texts he'll be having a panic attack

He's heading your way

Sent: 4:59

Shit. Look casual.

He put his phone away and leaned against the brick wall behind him pulling his best pokerface. Jiyong approached him and laughed.

"Are you upset? You look really... pokerface!" He asked

Nailed it.

"I'm just fine."

A small piece of painfully orange hair peeked out from under Jiyong's black hat. Seungri curiously reached for the hat and took it off.

What the fuck

Jiyong's hair was neon orange with bits of blonde and brown in it.

"Oh it looks… interesting" Seungri stated trying to suppress his laughter

"I know it looks horrible!" Jiyong growled taking his hat back and shoving it on his head "It turns out dying your own hair is harder than I expected."

"What colour was it meant to be?"

"Red!" He snapped

Jiyong huffed and put his hands in his pockets.  

He's cute when he's pissed off

The taxi pulled up in front of them and Seungri went to the drivers window.

"Sorry. A situation's just come up so we won't be needing the taxi today."

Jiyong tilted his head like a puppy.

"Let's go to the store."


Twenty minutes later they arrived back at Jiyong's flat with black hair dye. Both of them sat in the bathroom, Jiyong in the bathtub and Seungri on the floor next to him.

I haven't fainted yet so this is all going very well.

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