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She's… she's

"Gorgeous" Seungri murmured under his breath

Chaerin glanced at Minzy, who felt second hand embarrassment form her odd friend.

It's just a beautiful couple with perfect faces who were made for each other and deserve to be together. I'm just a troll under their bridge. A troll with the inability to run far or control his feelings just because he finds a guy he met yesterday attractive.

He sat back down groaning and began to mumble angrily to himself. Chaerin backed away and left in a hurry. She was either terrified or late for her lecture. Maybe both.


At running club the next day the first time, since he moved out a year ago, Seungri was early for something. Exceptionally early. He stood with Daesung in his running gear ready for the clubs meeting.

"Why did you make us go so early?" Daesung whined hopping up and down trying to warm himself in the chilly October air "The coach hasn't even turned up yet."

Seungri brushed off his comment. His eyes darted focused on the changing room door waiting for Jiyong to pop out of it.

He did.

After exactly 17 minutes of waiting.

A large group of runners walked onto the track in a clump together. Seungri spotted Jiyong almost instantly and a huge smile grew on his face.

"Why do you like that guy? You haven't had a proper conversation with him." Daesung said tilting his head in his usual adorable manner.

"I don't like him in that way. I just think he's handsome." He shrugged whilst watching the group go to them

"So you have an infatuation with someone you've only ever seen once because of his face?"

"And body."

Seungri wouldn't' admit it but he spent all night exploring Jiyong's Facebook. It was surprisingly easy to find him seeing as he had just about the whole of campus as a friend on there. He found out a lot about him. Born on August 18th, studying some sort of music course, seems to change his hair more than Seungri changed his favourite song. It was I Will Show You by Ailee for now. Also his page confirmed his relationship with Chaerin.

"You're early for once?" Taeyang, a guy Seungri met during freshers week, gasped.

"I brought you some water today" Jiyong stated joyfully holding up 2 bottles of water.

Act like you're not about to squeal like a little girl who got the barbie she wanted on Christmas morning. Say something witty.

"Your hair looks good" Seungri stuttered

That wasn't witty.

Jiyong beamed, flashing his dazzling white teeth in his direction.

"Thanks. I'm getting pretty tired of the colour though" He sighed

"Yeah you change it a lot don't you?"

"How do you know that?"

Because I stalked you on Facebook until 1am looking at every picture possible

"I've… seen you around… campus before and… your hair… stuck out to me" He attempted to say as casually as possible. Failing due to the long pauses in between his words.

"Oh right, I've seen you before. You're friends with Minzy aren't you?"


Minzy knocked on Seungri's bedroom door. He was lay on his bed sobbing internally at his muscle pain from running 1500m two hours before.

"Come in!" He shouted

She marched in angrily and stood next to his bed.

Twenty minutes earlier texted her saying:

       From: Seunghyun Lee

       Get the fuck over here or I'll tell Taeyang that you have a crush on him.

       (love you really! I just have a question for you ^-^)

       Sent: 22:13

The thing was that Seungri, if he got worked up enough, actually would do that. Minzy had rushed over in her kangaroo kigurumi with a long black coat over it, not wanting Taeyang to know of her affection for him. Seungri sat up.

"I'm serious if this is a something dumb I'll actually scream" She groaned tiredly

"How do you know Jiyong Kwon?" Seungri asked

Minzy face palmed.

"That was it? You couldn't have just texted me asking?"

That would have been a better idea.

Seungri stared at her awaiting the answer.

"We're both in the music society." She stated "Can I leave now?"

"Is he nice?" Seungri asked.

He was still bothered by what Daesung said about him being arrogant. She nodded.



"I'm going."

Seungri nodded and waved her goodbye. When she left he went onto his laptop. Back onto Facebook. Back to stalking Jiyong. As soon as he logged in a message popped up on his screen.

       Jiyong Kwon:

You left your trainers in the changing rooms idiot!! Shall we meet up tomorrow so I can give them back or do you want me to pass them to Minzy next Saturday? (22:19)


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