McDonalds Take 2

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"One week until my birthday guys!" Seungri cheered on the sofa delightfully.

His concussion was finally fading away and he was coming back to his senses. The only thing on his mind now, apart from Jiyong and catching up on work missed, was his impending birthday.

"We know. That's the 5th time you've reminded us today." Taeyang sighed rolling his eyes.

"He's just excited" Max shrugged "I have a really good present for you!"

Presents were one of Seungri's favourite things. Receiving presents for being the fastest sperm is the best thing anyone could ask for. At least he's won one race in his life.

'You bitch you have a text'

Seungri took his phone from the coffee table.

From: Jiyong Kwon

What are you doing for the music society concert?

Sent: 12:32

This is my first text from him in ages.

To: Jiyong Kwon

I dunno... any ideas? ^-^

Sent: 12:33

Please have ideas.

From: Jiyong Kwon

Of course. Meet me in McDonalds at 1

Sent: 12:34


"Medium or large?" The spotty man in his mid twenties behind the counter asked

"Large" Jiyong replied

He handed over the money. Seungri had severe deja vu from the last he was in this McDonalds except he didn't feel the same sense of excitement as first time. More the sense of severe hunger from not having breakfast and pain from a headache. They sat by the window and Jiyong began to scoff the meal down whilst Seungri took irregular bites every 20 seconds or so.

"Why aren't you eating much?" Jiyong asked mid mouthful "I paid for that!"

"I don't want to throw up in front of you again!" Seungri snapped "Last time we saw each other was just embarrassing."

He huffed and took another bite of his burger.

"What's your idea for the music society concert anyway?"

"Ah, that." Jiyong put his sandwich down and taking a piece of paper from his bag "You should sing this"

Into My World

"Did you write it?" He asked

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