Ketchup Stains

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It was the night after both their final exams for the year and instead of getting drunk in a club like most people were planning to do, Seungri and Jiyong found themselves in the home of Choi Siwon, returning the favour Seungri promised him.

"The latest they can go to bed is 8PM. Pizza's in the oven. Make sure John goes to the toilet before he goes to bed. Mary likes the light outside his room on whilst she falls asleep but you can switch it off at around 9." Siwon rambled fumbling around for his car keys" My contact number is-"

"Saved on both our phones, don't worry. Everything will be just fine!" Seungri insisted

Siwon nodded a few times mumbling 'Just fine' to himself before his wife dragged him out of the door. When the door shut the chaos started. A glass 'accidentally' smashed in the kitchen. Then a plate smashed. Then the fruit from the counter top ended up on the floor. Then the bin was knocked over. That was before they had even eaten. Just before dinner Mary and John asked for a glass of coke each.

"If you have a glass of coke, will you behave?" Seungri almost pleaded as he picked up stray apples and oranges from the floor with the help of Jiyong

"Maybe"  John smiled cheekily

"You have to promise." Jiyong stated shooting an irritated glance over at Seungri

They promised to behave and peace was restored in the house.

For about 5 minutes.

"Gloria, Gloria in Excelsis Deo" Mary belted at the top of her lungs after downing the entire coke and having a bite of her pizza "Sing it with me John!"

Of all songs the 4 and 7 year old were singing church hymns. Jiyong glanced at Seungri who just shrugged.


To add to the list of 'accidents' that occurred that night, whilst eating dinner John managed to get pizza grease on his white pyjama top and he started crying when he finished his drink. Jiyong felt like he was going to explode if something else happened. Only a moment after John stopped crying, Mary's plate fell onto the floor which made him start crying again. Lucky for the babysitters, the plate didn't smash, unlucky for the babysitters, it managed to get a large dollop of ketchup and some pizza grease onto the cream carpet.

"You deal with John, I'll deal with the plate" Seungri groaned

They went to their designated area of the dinner table. Seungri lifted up the plate and swiped some of the ketchup off the carpet with his thumb. When John stopped crying, Jiyong went to see what Seungri was mumbling angrily to himself about.

"I swear to god I'm gonna scream" He hissed "Mary, show me where your parents keep the cleaning supplies."

Hearing the sense of anger in his voice, she lead him to the cupboard in the kitchen which held all the cleaning products anyone would ever need. It explained why the house was practically spotless. Jiyong had no idea what to take out so he picked up a bottle of Vanish and wetted a dishcloth. He placed them next to Seungri who sprayed the stain with Vanish, took the dishcloth and began to scrub it.

"You need to scrub it harder if you're going to get it out" Jiyong tut

"I went to the gym yesterday so my arms still hurt from-"

"Move then" Jiyong growled shoving him aside scrubbing the carpet vigorously "Why did I even agree to come with you? I could have been in a club drinking now and then waking up tomorrow wondering what happened. Instead I'm in some strangers house trying to get a fucking ketchup stain from the carpet." He huffed angrily. Mary and John began to giggle at his use of the word 'fuck'. "I swear to god I don't know why I bother staying with you sometimes. My life would be easier if I went off with Max or even stayed with Chaerin so you wouldn't always be distracting me from what I really want."

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