A Spark

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6 months ago

The last day of their first year at university and the music society concert seemed the best place to end it. Everyone who hadn't gone home by that time were there, including Seungri and Jiyong. 5 boys performed Bye Bye Bye by N'Sync with the dance routine and bad outfits. Jiyong was one of those 5. Whenever he performed he liked to focus on one person and the person that time was Seungri.

Jiyong was Justin Timberlake.

3 months ago

"Loads of your friends are here. Why do I have to come?" Jiyong whined as they walked to the group that were already on the running track.

Taeyang ignored him and waved at the runners already waiting. One of those runners was the cute boy from the music society concert stood next to Daesung, a guy who went to his high school.

Coach cleared his throat "Let's go around the circle and introduce ourselves. You can all just call me coach."

One by one everyone said their names.

"I'm Daesung" He introduced himself

There was silence. The boy next to him stared at the birds in the sky above. Daesung nudged him, launching him straight out of a day dream.

"Seunghyun but call me Seungri" He stuttered tiredly

When it moved onto the next person Daesung began to silently scold Seungri whilst Jiyong watched on like a little kid who's seen Santa.

He calls himself victory


Next running meet

The cute guy who he'd stalked on Facebook until 2am was panting like a dog on a hot day in front of his eyes yet Jiyong stood next to him like stone with a water bottle in his hands. All he did was stare down at Seungri's shiny black hair that bounced a bit every time he let out a loud dry cough. It was almost too shiny.

Taeyang, however, wasn't blinded by Seungri's hair in the slightest and grabbed Jiyong’s hand to guide it towards the coughing boy's lips. 
Internally Jiyong began to panic thinking about how weird he must appear but 
Seungri took it from his hands and drank the whole thing. When he began coughing
 again Jiyong started smacking his back with a force that hurt his hand a bit. After a few smacks Seungri stopped coughing and raised his hand for Jiyong to stop as well.

"Are you alright?" Jiyong stammered rubbing Seungri's back a bit

"I'm fine thanks to you. Sorry I drank your water." He nodded

"It's fine. You looked like you needed it." Jiyong shrugged glancing over at Taeyang who had smug grin on his face

After a few more moments Seungri straightened up and looked Jiyong straight in the eyes.

A spark.

A week later

Chaerin was one of Jiyong's greatest friends and biggest regrets.

Yes - they were 'dating' but they had about as much physical contact as two 12 year olds would have. They hugged a few times, kissed twice, held hands a dozen times and anything further than that was out of the question for Jiyong. However, Chaerin put up with it though. She was in love. Jiyong, however, was different. He knew he loved her but he knew he could never be in love with her. Not in the same way she felt towards him.

And it killed Jiyong inside.

After they first became friends they were quick to become close, very close in fact.

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