Justin Timberlake

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"You know?" Daesung growled between his teeth

Jiyong didn't even flinch when he recieved a strike across the cheek.

"If you know then sort it out."

"What's this to do with you?" Max grumbled

Daesung's attention went to the brunette boy across the room and he grinned at him, "And you can piss right off back home to your mummy. Don't mess with my friends. Do you understand?"


A pint of beer later tensions were beginning to smooth out a bit. Daesung and Jiyong sat together across the table from the birthday boy not feeling any sort of urge to pull at each others hair. Just to make Seungri happy on his special day.

"What did you get from your family?" Minzy asked in anticipation, his family was a new level of odd and the gifts were normally just as strange.

"My parents bought me some textbooks and my sister said she'd get me something extra good for Christmas" He shrugged

She rolled her eyes, "Boring!"

Jiyong reached into his bag and pulled out a red envelope. On the front said 'SEUNGRI' in gold. He slid it across the table to the birthday boy.

"This is from everyone." Jiyong grinned "I have something else for you but I can't give it to you here."

"Get a room!" Minzy grunted

"It took 20 people to get one gift?" Seungri questioned them

This better be good

A collective 'Yep' flew around the room and Seungri eagerly tore open the envelope. The front of the birthday card had a panda doing ballet on it.

"Is this meant to be me?"

"Open it!" Everyone in the room urged him impatiently.

He did as commanded out fell 2 tickets.

KARASIA Tour, Seoul Olympic Stadium, Standing, 27th December 2012

Seungri let out a shrill fanboy man squeal.




Unable to take his eyes off the tickets he thanked everyone at least 30 times within a minute.

"Who's the other ticket for?" He asked

Please be Jiyong.

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