~ Forgivness ~

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"I'll let everyone know about..us." He said as he laughed quietly.
I cleared my throat. "Thank you." I said as I walked up to my room.
When I reached my room, I pulled out my trunks and suitcases. I began to pack my clothes when there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I said happily.
My mother and father walked in. I turned to look at them with a smile. But they clearly noticed the suitcases.
"What're you doing?" My father asked curiously and somewhat angry.
I exhaled. "Me and Marcus are no longer engaged." I said sternly.
My mother looked outraged.
"What?!" She shouted.
"You heard me mother. I won't marry someone I don't love. Marcus isn't the one for me!" I exclaimed.
"This is unbelievable." She said under her breath angrily.
"Look. It's my decision now. It's up to me. And I won't stand and watch you take that away from me!" I exclaimed.
"You two don't even know what love is!" I continued.
"You don't love each other! You don't touch, you don't laugh, you don't love each other!" I repeat.
My mother's expression turned from outraged to hurt. I swear I saw tears well up in her eyes. My father however, wasn't crying at all. He was completely outraged by now but he stayed calm. "Fine then. Your going to throw away your whole future for something worse? Go then. I don't want you in my life." He said calmly. He walked out of the room. Normally, when a girl gets told that, she would be the unhappiest person on the planet. But me? I was completely glad that he disowned me. I didn't need nor did I want him in my life.
My mother kept her composure through all of this.
"Mother.." I said quietly. But unexpectedly, she burst in to tears. I walked over to her slowly. She wiped her eyes, with the sad expression still lingering. "You should be with him." My mother whispered. "He's the man for you. I always knew it. I went along with what your father said but I must say the truth." She turned to look at me. She held my shoulders and to my surprise, I didn't back away. "Love is powerful, my child. Use it to your good. Here's what I want you to do. Go to Zach and stay with him for the rest of your long life. Your going to have a wonderful, extravagant life together. Your going to get married and your going to have children, your going to die an old, old age and still be by his side through all of it." She said as she smiled.
"I give you my word. I will be with him forever. He's the one for me." I said whispering and smiling. She then walked over to my dresser and helped me pack the rest of my things. When we were finished we walked downstairs.
"Thank you for helping me with my things mother." I said happily. "Your welcome, child." She said as she touched my cheek. We both hugged each other and I walked to my car. I began the drive and had happy thoughts along the way.
"Life is beginning to look spectacular." I said to myself happily.

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