Chapter 12

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Sanemi and Genya are at the road to Mt. Natagumo. Even looking at the forest made them both feel a chilling feeling down their spine.

"This might be a trap. No one lived here, except the Spider Demon family which are already dead." Genya was getting a bit startled.

"Don't fret, little brother. We'll make sure that anyone still here never comes out alive!" He yelled at the forest, causing Genya to almost break in laughter. Then the two of them entered the forest. The trees were just following the wind's directions as they swayed around.

Then, they heard the sound of cracking, possibly breaking rocks, in the distance. This proved Sanemi's point that something is here with them. He then went serious mode and they followed the noise. "I'm not looking forward to this." Genya thought as he grabbed his shotgun from his back.

They finally made it to the source of the sound, and just as they expected. They saw a man, possibly in his mid-40s, the two of them can't see his frontal body as the man was sitting infront from his point of view as the two behind him saw him infront of their vision, which they see is the backside of the body.

"Ohh, good. I nevere expected such visitors coming here. Usually, no one enters this mountain in the night for obvious reasons." The man spoke in an elderly voice, then he laughed.

"A demon! No doubt!" He shouted at the man, to which he turned around. They saw a man with half of his face resembling a dragon. Genya was spooked, yet intrigued by his physique. "Yano Tatsuo's the name for you, fellow hashira. A servant if you ask my profession."

"What the hell is with that name?! You some sort of an uppermoon wannabe?!" Sanemi got so frustrated by that, veins started to pop from his face, as he drew his sword at the demon.

"The demons you call uppermoons were weak and foolish! They were defeated because they were too cocky with their powers. But us, we take things too sadistic and serious at the same time. Let me demonstrate our capabilities for you." The demon chuckled and then cackled. His right eye turned brownish red and his left eye, turning silvery.

"Blood Demon Art- Tree Manipulation!" The trees around him started to move and wiggle a bit but was not noticed by the two.

"Blood Demon Technique: Rising Branches!" He said, and his body floated in mid-air. His arms and legs are then outstretched and connected with the trees. The branches then move around and attacked the two.

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