Chapter 16

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Nighttime rises once more. Tanjiro walked in the darkness, with the moon guiding him as the moonlight illuminated the surroundings. He continues on, with constant vigilance. There are no houses present in the road, which would make demons more present but no.

All of a sudden, he catches a scent of blood. "I smell blood. It's here somewhere nearby!" He unsheathed his sword, grasped onto it and went to the source of the scent. As he ran, it got stronger and he could even trace it.

He then found himself in a house. He took a peek and saw numerous corpses. But then the scent of a demon is close by. He entered the house to inspect the corpses. They weren't devoured but instead were poisoned by something.

"This poison. It's so familiar." He wondered. He went outside the house and when he looked at the rooftop, he saw a human figure. He then feels an unnerving feeling.

The figure jumped down to the ground. Upon close inspection, he's holding a katana, similar in make and shape. "Who might you be?" The man asked in a slightly familiar voice.

"A demon slayer perhaps, no doubt. You somehow found me without the use of anything besides your unique abilities. You see these guys. These were demon slayers like you but they were too weak." He explained.

His sense of vengeance and hatred returned upon hearing this words. "This ain't no servant. I can't believe I'm standing next to Muzan himself." He thought. "You're gonna pay for what you did with these innocent people. Unforgivable!" He cried out.

But then, the man unnaturally grabbed his sword within a split second. "Blood Breathing, First Form: Blood Wave!" A horizontal slash and followed by a wave of blood. Tanjiro has never seen this breathing technique before.

"What kind of breathing technique is this? What did he say? Something about Blood Breathing? That's not good. Better counteract it." He then raised his sword. "Dance of the Fire God: Dance!" He vertically slashed through the blood and the wave stops. The man instantly knew what that technique was.

"You must be Tanjiro Kamado. I know that technique all too well. This is good. Now I can finally kill on this spot!" His voice had a feeling of rage.

"Blood Breathing, Second Form: Raining Red!" He draws his sword towards Tanjiro, and bloody rain falls, like rainfall. Tanjiro acted quickly on this attack. "Dance of the Fire God: Burning Sun!" The blood instantly boils from the heat of the circular slash performed by Tanjiro.

"That blood is no ordinary blood. It's actually the same poison that I've discovered back inside the house. Causing the same catastrophic cell death." Tanjiro then noticed and he goes for the attack, while avoiding contact with his attacks.

"Dance of the Fire God: Beneficient Radiance!" He spirals into the air and delivers a powerful slash. But the demon had some tricks up its sleeve.

"Blood Breathing, Third Form: Devil's Anchor!" He peforms and opposite vertical slash, from bottom to top, slicing the fire attacks. Then a a burst of blood erupts from the ground and reaches for Tanjiro.

He then activates his demon slayer mark upon sight of this, and acted quickly on this attack. "Dance of the Fire God: Setting Sun Transformation!" He backflips in mid-air, delivering a powerful upended slash, which evades him from the demon's attack. He is able to see through the transparent world for a bit and decides a powerful strike.

"This demon's art is the ability to use breaths, similar to Michikatsu when he was a demon. This is more dangerous than I anticipated. I gotta rush to him immediately!" He lands to the ground and quickly rushes at him. "Here I go!" He said.

"Blood Breathing, Fourth Form: Crimson Blood Rose!" Roses comes out of the blade and shoots towards Tanjiro. He tries his best to avoid all of them. But this causes him to slightly lose balance. "He uses offensive attacks making it unpredictable." He launched in the air and towards the demon.

"Dance of the Fire God: Clear Blue Sky!" He falls towards the demon and creates a 360 degree slash which slices his hand off. That was a good attack but the demon wasn't having it.

"Blood Breathing, Sixth Form: Swirling Bloodpool!" His left arm is regenerating. And he swirls his sword, creating a stream of blood that circulates around him, and moves like a tornado. The tornado effect charges towards Tanjiro.

"Dance of the Fire God: Beneficiant Radiance!" The amount of slashes stops the advancing tornado of blood, disappearing. But then the demon escaped before he could get another shot at it, fleeing back into the darkness.

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