Chapter 15

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Genya explained the whole situation and the fight that they had on Mt. Natagumo. "I ingested the tissue of the dragon demon and saw a glimpse of a man. Though I can't make up for his appearance, he has the same aura as Muzan." He added.

"And considering the fact that the demon girl we've faced back at the city, was more powerful than any uppermoon we've fought, this might be a possibility. Now our new mission is to find his location." Tanjiro replied.

"But that's gonna be hard, considering that these demons don't reveal their location." Genya contradicted.

"They could have another infinity fortress with uppermoon 4 Nakime. Though the odds of that happening is short." Zenitsu added.

After a few hours of discussion, Tanjiro went outside the garden and saw Kanao sitting on the plain wood, looking at the flowers. It's morning and Tanjiro wanted to do shopping at the nearby village for some food and supplies. He wondered if she wants to go with him and also keep her entertained.

He walked to her and sat next to her. "Kanao, what are you doing? You seemed to be not interested in anything." Tanjiro noticed.

"I was wondering that someone should accompany me to do some shopping for Aoi-san's cooking and for the supplies here at the mansion. Since Nezuko and Zenitsu went somewhere to do something and Inosuke went to do some training, you're the only one left." He said.

"I would like to accompany you!" She said immediately. Silence filled the air for a few seconds and she blushed since it was a fast reply. Tanjiro was glad to hear this.

Tanjiro and Kanao then left the mansion. While they were walking, Kanao can feel something warm whenever she's with Tanjiro. It's not even cold from her perspective at least and yet her mind thinks its cold. Then she felt a warm touch, as she looked at her right hand and saw that Tanjiro is holding her hand. "Are you okay, Kanao?" He asked her directly.

"Its fine, Tanjiro. No need to be concerned with me." Kanao shrugged it off, yet she liked being held by his hands.

After sometime, they made it to the village. It was littered with people doing their own duties. In the distance, he saw the market and Kanao followed him to the market. They then started shopping.

She also helped him by buying other items in the list. After buying, they left the market. The villagers looked at the two in awe and fascination. The two also heard murmuring. Tanjiro looked at her and saw her blush. He then blushed as they left the village, without saying a word.

"Well that was awkward." He nervously chuckled and scratched the back of his hair. She only gave a smile, since she was embarrassed.

While they we're walking, they heard movement in the trees. Kanao was so steadfast and placed her hand on her sword. Tanjiro was about to do the same thing, but something appeared and charged at them.

It was a stray dog. Tanjiro fell over and dropped the groceries. It was so weird to see a stray dog in the trees. The two we're confused, but they didn't waste time. Tanjiro got back up and grabbed the groceries. It was afternoon since they took so long to buy things back at the market.

It was a long walk, but they made it back at the Estate. Aoi helped transfer the groceries the two brought. When they walked to the kitchen, they saw Inosuke.

"Hey Monjiro! Where were you?" He asked.

"Me and Kanao went to the market to buy stuff for the kitchen." He responded back as he pointed towards the goods. "Is Zenitsu and Nezuko here yet?" Tanjiro asked.

"Nope. I was here a while ago. I'm making some good meals that I wanna try." Inosuke answered and went back to cooking.

"I hope its delicious." Kanao said. Inosuke laughed with cockiness "Hahaha! Of course it will be delicious that you've ever tasted!" Kanao laughed at his arrogance and left him to his own work.

Kanao was excited and so invigorated that she got to spend some time with Tanjiro. She wishes to do it again some time, but it was almost dark. The sun is setting and darkness is about to come.

Outside the mansion, Tanjiro can be seen walking. "I'm going hunting. Sorry to leave you behind guys." He then left the premises and into the night he goes.

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