Chapter 8

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Nighttime has set and the city glowed again. The slayers have settled on the rooftops where they can't be seen. The five of them are in separated roofs to cover more area. Until they're met with 3 more people.

"Hello there, Muichiro-san." Tanjiro greeted him. What are you guys doing here?" He asked him. "We're here to investigate your situation." The Mist pillar said.

Tanjiro then smelled a demon scent. This time he can track it. He jumps from roof to roof to trace the source. Kanao and the Vine Pillar takes notice of this and follows him. The rest then follows him.

Tanjiro then stopped in his tracks as he was in the same place where the hole is. Maybe the Vine Pillar's prediction was right. The scent then came in the hole.

"I knew it." She said to herself.

"The Vine Hashira's prediction was right." Kanao said. All of them entered the hole. The area is still dimly lit. They went to where the bodies are and saw nothing.

"Where did it go?" Akaza thought. Michikatsu had plans. He moved the bodies and discovered another hole and there was light below.

"So who wants to go first?" Akaza asked. Muichiro was wary of this. But if course they expected the worst. So Tanjiro and Michikatsu dropped in first. They then found themselves in a large room. All they see is huge pillars and weird structures to fit the room.

"This reminds me of the Infinity Castle." Michikatsu replied, causing him to remember some things.

The rest followed suit, and then all of a sudden, the hole they entered in closed shut, leaving Muichiro behind. They knew it was a trap but didn't expect to have no escape routes. Then a young girl showed herself. She was in her Kimono and had pearly eyes. 'Konichiwa." She greeted them and laughed almost hysterically.

"You must be the one behind this. Who are you?" Akaza shouted.

"Names Kameko Oki. One of the Servants of the Second King!" She introduced herself.

"Servants? What did she mean by that? And the Second King, who the hell is he?" Tanjiro was confused as much as everyone. He's also worried that eight of us against a girl they don't even know, even himself. "Are you an uppermoon?" He asked her.

The child can only chuckle from that question. "That's not us. Those pathetic uppermoons can't beat each one of you. We are the new. The Servants. And since you're in my playground, I'm the cat and you're the mice." She grinned her teeth.

Everyone was in their fighting stance, ready to fight her head on. They were prepared to face the unexpected. Zenitsu and Inosuke were slightly scared not only because she's a child but also a powerful one.

"Blood Demon Art- Room Manipulation." She sat down for a bit and the room rumbles a bit, signaling the greater power within. Tanjiro can sense a weird aura coming from the girl.

"Blood Demon Technique: Floor Manipulation, Quicksand!" She touched the floors with her hands. The floor became wobbly and sticky.

"This Blood Demon Art! It's impressive!" Michikatsu jumped and approached one of the pillars. "Moon Breathing, Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon- Incessant!" The crescent blades sliced several pillars into pieces. The slayers climbed up on these broken pieces.

"Thunder Breathing, Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God!" Zenitsu then disappears followed by a bright lightning spark accompanied by several electrical sparks.

"Blood Demon Technique: Floor Manipulation- Tsunami!" Just as Zenitsu was about to slice her neck but then he was stopped by a large wave and stopped his attack.

"Metal Breathing, Second Form: Ironfist- Devastation!" Akaza approached the wave and delivered a series of repeated punches causing the wave to slow down. Kanao ran in to grab Zenitsu away from the wave, right before Akaza ran out of punches and dodges the wave.

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