Chapter 13

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Michikatsu then realized that he's protecting the main body. "The demon is using both bodies in a coordinated motion. We need to separate them as far away as possible. But how?" He thought as he dodged the branches moving towards him.

"Wind Breathing, Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon!" Sanemi slashed the dragon into half. But it fuses back up again immediately. Then the Moon user had an idea. "Muichiro, slice the two trees connecting him." He called out.

He then sees the trees. "Mist Breathing, Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze!" A wide flurry of slashes came. He targeted the nearest tree. It was about to fall down, slowly losing balance.

Tatsuo was about to perform a blood demon art but was stopped by Genya's shotgun bullets. He then completely lost balance and fell down, leaving him exposed.

Sanemi looked to see Genya at the top of a tree and gave him a thumbs up. "Wind Breathing, Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash!" He tried to slice the trunk that was covering the demon's main body, but the dragon defended it, and gets sliced up again. With the tail swatting him to a tree.

"Blood Demon Technique: Poisonous Prickly Leaves- Darts!" Branches then form, and so as the leaves. It then shoots out at all directions. "Moon Breathing, Second Form: Pearl Flowers Moongazing!" The leaves were destroyed by Michikatsu's defensive form.

"Blood Demon Technique: Uproot- Modified!" The trunk of the main body, the stands up. Roots immediately grow and anchors on the soil. The trunk of the body then becomes a literal tree with branches. The four of them we're shocked by this demon art, and they focused their attack on the tree.

Genya saw a piece of flesh from the dragon. He climbed down and grabbed a piece. "What if these are connected from each other? But we need to kill the demon now." He said to himself and consumed the piece.

Muichiro distracted the dragon. "Mist Breathing, Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!" He then slices the dragon to keep it off guard. While the two charged at the tree.

"Moon Breathing, Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune- Moonlit!" A multi-directional assault sliced the branches, making an open space for Sanemi to do the second attack. "Wind Breathing, Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist!" He spun his body and sliced the trunk, which revealed a portion of the demon's main body. Until the head of the dragon came in and charged at Sanemi.

Genya's eyes turn black and his shotgun began to grow plant-like roots that fused with the flesh in a combination. "Blood Demon Technique: Wooden Flesh Bullets- Modified!" He shouted and his gun shot a multitude of bullets at the tree. The bullets pierced through the trunk but was unable to penetrate fully into the main body.

Then, roots began to uproot from each bullet hole in the trunk. Michikatsu saw this moment. "He can't use his blood demon art! Focus attack now!" He shouted.

"Moon Breathing, Sixteenth Form: Moon Bow- Half Moon!" The slashes crashes into the main body, stripping each piece of wood, to reveal the body underneath.

"Wind Breathing, First Form: Dust- Whirlwind Cutter!" Sanemi pushed through and sliced more of the tree, creating small chunks that were removed from the trunk.

"Hmm, If I can't use my demon art, I'll just use my dragon as an escape vehicle. I'll have to wait until they break open the trunk and cut my head." The demon thought.

"Mist Breathing, Sixth Form: Dispersing Mist!" Muichiro's slashes has torn off some significant chunks of wood. Then the tree breaks open, revealing the body. The three of them went in and both sliced his head off immediately.

Then the dragon roared. The body didn't decay when they saw this. "You've got to be kidding me!" Genya cried out. He tried to use his demon art at the slithering dragon but he's used up his body strength on modifying his blood demon technique.

"2 bodies is better than one. Hantengu, the former uppermoon 4, had the same ability to escape but was too emotionally interconnected, which was pathetic." Tatsuo cried out and began to slither away.

The three ran after the dragon. "Wind Breathing, Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree!" Sanemi sliced the body but was not enough and the demon used his arms to grab him and throw him to the tree.

Tatsuo tried to perform a blood demon art but something caught its tail and part of its midsection. Vines then starts to entangle the dragon demon. "Breath of the Vines, First Form: Entanglement!" The Vine Hashira came out of nowhere and blocked his escape attempt.

"Glad you're here. Let's kill him here now." Michikatsu shouted, but she denied. "It is almost sunrise. Make an open area for the sun to reach out. We'll burn him instead." She gave another idea which was a good plan.

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