Laurie the Tree Hugger

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Laurie saw the protester named Wayne Applen, a 16-year-old activist who emerged himself as an all around guy. On Saturday, Wayne was released from jail, drops out of school, kidnaps Laurie, and heads to the redwood tree. The lightning nearly hits both of them, heads back to their house, Marva Lynn told Wayne not to come back, and Laurie didn't say a word and heads to bed.

The next morning, the tree is dead, Laurie pretends to be dead, Marva Lynn said she's not, and Laurie's grounded for not visiting Wayne for a week, and Marva Lynn calls the news people.

The whole crowd seized the whole town, but Laurie came along and claims she's not dead, however, Wayne is arrested for kidnapping, and Jeff and Doug got him. Marva Lynn has ungrounded Laurie because she's okay.

Paul, Grady, Ed, Fran, Bill, Mick, Roy, Fred, Karl, Milt, Gary, Dave, Bobby, Ron, Wally, Stu, Doug and Jeff were proud of Laurie as she was inside eating ice cream.

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