Creatures & Cryptids

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For Maribat March: Day 10 Theme: Creatures & Cryptids


Sibling Jasonette

Jason 20

Tim 18

Marinette 18

Jason found Tim sitting on the couch at 2am with his arms crossed. Tim being up at 2am was not a rare sighting, him being on the couch, on the other hand, was rare, especially if he was alone. He usually spent his time in the kitchen next to the coffee machine with Marinette, but right now Marinette was nowhere to be seen.

"Why are you out here? Alone?" Jason asked his sleep-deprived brother.

"Nettie and I got into a fight."

"What did you do to upset Pixie, Replacement?" Jason demanded to know.

Jason had stopped calling Tim 'Replacement' as a courtesy for Marinette. She wanted him to play nice so he did for her. But if Tim did something to upset his sister all bets were off.

"I said Bigfoot would beat a yeti in a fight, so she kicked me out of the kitchen to the couch."

Jason's face changed from angry to annoyed. He should have expected the fight to be something nerdy. The two were two perfect to fight about something serious. After rolling his eyes, Jason put his angry face on so he could fix the problem for the two of them.

"Replacement, what was the number one rule?" Jason asked.

"Marinette is always right," Tim said looking at the ground.

"Exactly. Now go back and apologize to her for disagreeing over whatever you guys were talking about."


"Go back and apologize to her for disagreeing over cryptids."

The two of them walked into the kitchen where Marinette was crying on the floor and the two boys ran over to comfort the girl.

"What's wrong Nettie? Did you get hurt?" Tim asked.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, Tim."

"Oh, Nettie it's okay, I forgive you."

"You aren't going to make me leave."

"Nope, never. You're stuck with me forever okay?"

"Forever sounds nice."

"And one day when you're ready we'll get married and Bruce will be there, Dick will be there Damian will be there, and Jason will be there."

"Jay Jay would walk me down the aisle."

It was nice seeing Tim and Marinette interact this way. Jason knew Marinette had bad days and moments. But normally that was all behind closed doors and Marinette wouldn't let anyone in besides Tim. It was nice to see the fool could actually deal with it all.

"That sounds nice," Jason said, joining in on their future plans.

"Okay, I'm better," Marinette said, getting up tugging the boys up with her.

"Okay you two should go drink your last cup of coffee and then go to sleep," Jason said.

"Okay Jason," Marinette and Tim said at the same time.

Jason left the two alone with a smile. They were doing good and planning a forever. It slightly scared Jason how head forward the two jumped into it all, but he knew they both loved each other and they deserved a future of arguing about cryptids and then making up by making out as strange as that was for Jason to think about.

Words: 508

Note: Just to be clear in this story Jason and Mari are bio siblings and Jason and Tim are siblings through adoption.

Maribat March 2021Where stories live. Discover now