Domestic Bliss

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For Maribat March: Day 21 Theme: Domestic Bliss

Jasonette Established Relationship

Jason 21

Marinette 20

Adrien 21

Damian 12

Contains Swearing

Originally, I wanted this to be a continuation of Mominette, but that was before I wrote Magic. Instead, I have decided since both are my own AU's anyway I can use them as I see fit. So Magic and Mominette now exist in the same universe on the same timeline.

Quick explanation on how this works:

Marinette faked her death at 16 and left the league. She spent three months with the order of guardians until hawkmoth surfaced in Paris. She became Ladybug and went to Paris. The order of guardian's picked a Chat Noir. She met Jason during her time in Paris where they discussed things about the league. A year and a half after hawkmoth surfaced he was defeated. Adrien and Marinette had a platonic reveal.

Marinette moves to Gotham and two weeks after her 18th birthday the events of Mominette take place. Marinette and Jason already had a flirty relationship and with Damian there, Jason was spending more nights pushing Mari and Jason into a relationship. At the end of the month, Damian doesn't want to leave so Jason and Mari with the help of Tim fake some legal documents for him. He becomes Damian Dupain-Cheng.

Flash forward two years, Marinette tells Jason what happened in Paris, the sailor moon nickname happens. Damian is confused. Eventually, Mari explains it to Damian. Damian used it as leverage to get Marinette to allow him to become Robin. And then the rest of Magic happens. And we are brought up to the current day.


Damian never went home expecting things to be normal. There was no normal in his household. After all, it consisted of three trained assassins, one who is currently a vigilante, one who was an ex-hero, and one who was an anti-hero turned vigilante. No matter how weird life got at home a guy in a catsuit on the couch was more weird than usual.

Damian's first instinct was to reach for a katana, but he knew his mother wouldn't like that. If he killed the man it would leave a bloodstain on the carpet. Instead, he approached the man and hovered over his face. The man awoke and let out a scream. Marinette and Jason came out of their room looking panicked. They calmed when realizing it was just Adrien freaking out about Damian.

"Jeez, Sailor Moon 2.0 you almost gave me a fucking heart attack," Jason said.

"Me? I almost gave you a heart attack? What about the random kid who was hovering above my face?"

"Who is he?" Damian asked, seeing Jason and his mother were clearly unalarmed.

"You should just be grateful he didn't kill you," Jason said to Chat.

"Didn't kill me?!" Chat exclaimed.

"Look, Damian's working on his Katana reflex. And based on the fact he isn't holding a Katana currently, mean's he must be getting better," Marinette said.

"I didn't want to stain the carpet," Damain muttered.

Marinette smiled, "Well he already did that," she pointed at Chat, "but it's good to see you remembering no Katana attacks on the apartment. Anyways, Damian, this is Chat Noir, who is also Adrien Agreste he's-"

"Sailor Moon 2.0" Jason cut her off, "He was Mari's partner back in France."

"Who the hell is the kid?" Adrian asked seeing how friendly Marinette and Jason were towards him.

Damian ignored him and said, "Mother, I am sorry for scaring the guest. How long will he be staying? Before you answer Bruce has a question for Jason that I should ask before I forget. He wants to know if you will be coming to dinner tonight or if it will just be Mother and I?"

Adrien was stunned, did this kid just call Marinette mother, he looked about eleven and that would place Marinette at age ten when having him and that didn't make sense.

Adrien was trying to piece things together in his head when Jason complained, "See I told you he still calls me Jason, while you get the title of Mother."

Damian shot back with, "Mother found me, and unless you plan on getting married anytime soon you are just Jason. You and Mother weren't even together when I first arrived."

Adrien finally rebooted, "Mother?!"

"I adopted Damian when I was 18, a few months after I arrived in Gotham. It's complicated."

"What the fuck Mari, you never told me?"

"Language, we don't curse in front of Damian," Marinette scolded Chat.

"What the frick Mari, you never told me? Better?"

Jason laughed and said, "She's the only one who doesn't curse in front of Damian unless she is cooking, sewing, playing a game, doing work, and basically anything. As much as a fuss she makes about it Sailor Moon is okay with it."

Marinette rolled her eyes, "Chat you do realize I haven't seen or talked to you since I left Paris. I haven't had much of a chance to catch you up at all. The only way you found me was because of the Miraculous."

"Fair, but still Mari a kid?"

"Yes, and I love him very much. Like I said circumstances around his adoption were complicated, really fucking complicated."

"As I said Sailor Moon breaks her own damn rule all the time," Jason said, "Oh and Damian, Sailor Moon 2.0 is staying until his bruised ribs heal."

"Does he know he is staying with trained assassins?" Damian asked innocently.

Marinette's eyes went wide, "We don't share that information with just anyone," she muttered.

Adrien's brian rebooted again and asked, "What?"

Marinette had never opened up to him about this part of her life, but there's no time better than the present is there? It was probably going to be a lot for him to take in. But he shouldn't be surprised based on how good of a fighter she was against Hawkmoth.

"Before Paris and before the order of guardian's I was part of the league of assassins. I was born into the group and left at 16 by faking my death. I have a past Chat, one that I'm not proud of, but it made me, well me. Damian was also born into the league, found him wandering Gotham streets two years ago when he was ten. I ended up taking him in. And Jason was brought back to life by the league. Three trained assassins."

"Honestly, that makes a lot of sense."

Not the answer anyone was expecting, but they ran with it.

"So dinner with Bruce? Jason, are you coming with us tonight? And Adrien would you like to join us?" Marinette asked moving forward.

Words: 1052

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