Day 19

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For Maribat March: Day 19 Theme: Guardian

So I said I was going to do headcanons and well I am kinda doing them. So there is a more pressing issue. There have been questions about what the hell happened to Adrien in the Second Chance fic. So I will be answering questions revolving around that universe through headcanons. To be honest it will probably feel more like an outline/brainstorm. Which is good, because my outlines are entertaining.

Context: Luka, Mari, and Jason are dating. Adrien is in a coma as a result of being Chat Noir. Jason becomes the new Chat Noir.

How did Adrien end up in a coma?

Being Chat Noir

More specifically it has to do with the magic

All those ture holder things that happen in miraculous AU's come into play here

In my story side effects of the miraculous marinette dies from being a true holder of creation and destruction

Here adrien isn't enough of a true holder of destruction and the miraculous doesn't protect him enough

After a while adrien isn't as protected by the miraculous magic or at least not as much as the other holders

Akuma battle happens and i'm sure you can figure out what happens next

Btw this is before luka becomes a permanent holder so there was no viperon

Miraculous ladybug, adrien is still dying.

Ladybug brings a dying chat into a secluded hospital he gets a small medical team of the best and they are all sworn to secrecy under the magic of hippa (Do they have that in France?)

LB takes the ring and there is a dying adrien who the doctors rush into surgery.

LB goes into a storage closet, locks the door detransforms has a mini breakdown and a long discussion with Pagg

LB calls Luka who she is already dating, cuz he already knows abt mari's identity.

Twenty mins later he is at the hospital transformed as Viperon

Adrien makes it out of surgery and is put on a vent, LB and Viperon refuse to leave until he wakes up.

2 hours later he is put on life support.

6 hours later he is brain dead, sobs were heard across the hospital, this is all super angsty for an outline, god

The next day Adrien Agreste was admitted into a long term life support facility by Marinette and Luka as a favor for LB.

Two days later, "It was my job as guardian to make sure shit like this didn't happen." Marinette cursed *gasp* she never curses in this universe

Tikki and Plagg blame Fu, but he's dead and Marinette refuses to blame it on a dead guy

Spiral into depression, she shuts everyone out

Switch to Gotham where Jason is freaking out, look he may fall of the face of the planet and not text his partners for a while and they've gotten used to it, but they still text him at least once a week even if he can't see it. They haven't texted or called in two weeks.

Jason flys out to Paris

He visits Mari and Lukas apartment

Marinette opens the door looking like a wreck a phone call to Luka later and all three of them are there looking awkward

One long vague conversation later Adrien Agreste is in a coma cuz of an accident marinette blames herself for, Marinette needs to get help, Luka also needs help, Jason loves them but needs to go he promises to call once a week

Marinette goes to a physiatric facility, red beetle shows up for some time

Marinette goes back to the apartment feeling better

Viperon becomes a full time hero and LB is back, akuma battles are longer without Chat

That brings us to date. Any questions please ask them.

I also have a question for you guys, did you enjoy this and would you like to see more of this? If so, which stories would you like to see this for?

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