Enemies to Lovers

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For Maribat March: Day 23 Theme: Enemies to Lovers


Contains swearing

This is literally just an outline because a full enemies to lovers needs to be multiple parts in my opinion and I don't have time for that currently. I might eventually write a full fic on this prompt if I have time. But after Maribat March I have a Alix/Mari fic I am working on, a Chloenette break-up AU to write, and a Six the Musical AU I am planning. So not much time on my hands.

What would be chapter one:

Marinette is an ex-assassin who went by the name ladybug

She was a child assassin who had no choice but to accept the tasks

At nine she infiltrated the league of assassins tasked to assassinate Damian

He's a child around her age, she can't go through with it

She locks eyes with Damian and he can tell from how calculated her eyes are she was supposed to kill him

He attacks, she runs, he follows

"Who sent you?"

"They'll send more, make sure they know you killed me."

Then she disappeared.

What would be chapter two:

Now 14 Marinette made a life for herself being nomadic and committing petty crimes.

Small robberies, mostly jewelry, never leaving any trace.

Her life brings her to Gotham, a city where she will blend in perfectly.

She stays in an abandoned warehouse at the outskirts of gotham and steals mostly food.

She also takes care of some of the younger kids on the streets.

A look at Mari's domestic life basically.

What would be chapter three:

Mari encounters a rogue.

I'm thinking she encounters the penguin or someone like him, but I'm not really sure.

Anyways she scares them off. There is like a standoff and anything.

They laugh cause this 14 year old is like 5'2"

But she gives them this glare and it kinda scares them, but they still antagonize her.

They get hit, really damn hard. They back off and leave, Marinette comforts scared kids.

What would be chapter four:

Red Robin meets Mari

She is in the middle of beating the crap out of some dude in an alleyway

Red Robin drops in like 'kid what the hell are you doing?'

"Look the fucker was trying to kiddnap a street kid, I wasn't going to let that happen. He's not dead, can still walk, I just taught him a lesson he hopefully will still be able to remember when he wakes up. You gonna arrest me?"

Guy was a child traffier that was being tracked down, Mari wasn't arrested, just bothered by RR as he tried to get more info. She doesn't give him any.

Back in the bat cave he uses the camera's around Gotham to run facial recognition. Nothing comes up. He creates a file.

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