New Start

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For Maribat March: Day 15 Theme: New Start


Bruce 43

Dick 25

Tim 18

Marinette 17

Damian 11

First Time Universe

Nettie and Tim were a mess and currently packing. Well, packing was a strong word for what they were doing. After all, they lived in an abandoned building and had almost nothing to their names. Or now they had almost nothing to their names. Years ago Tim had a whole company. But that life was gone. Now the two were killers.

At first, they believed they could be nobler than just killers. They perceived themselves as avenging angels for Jason Todd. That was until they killed Jason Todd.

When Marinette's adrenaline dropped in the middle of 'packing' she broke down sobbing. Tim dropped what he was doing and rushed over to her to comfort her.

"Hey Nettie," he whispered into her ear.

"Tim, what do we do now?" Nettie said between the painful sobs.

"Whatever you want."

"What if what I want isn't great for us?"

"Nettie we can do whatever you want."

She hesitated before saying, "I want to speak to Bruce Wayne."


An hour later with all their clothes packed the two were at Wayne Manor. They were nervously standing at the door, eyes locked on the doorbell. Tim gave Nettie's hand a squeeze and she rang the doorbell. A couple of minutes later the door was opened by an older gentleman. A butler she presumed.

Before the man could even see Nettie said, "I want to see Bruce Wayne, now."

Then a voice from inside asked, "Alferd, who's at the door?"

Bingo, Bruce Wayne.

"There is a girl asking to see you, along with a boy who looks familiar."

Then he appeared in the doorway next to the butler, "How may I help you?" Bruce asked.

"My name is Marinette Todd, this is Timothy Drake. You recognize his name because he's the runaway Drake boy from a few years ago. You recognize mine because I'm your son's sister. Was. I was your son's sister. But you've probably seen our faces on the street batsy."

Tim had a proud grin on his face while Bruce felt a chill down his spine. How did this girl know he was Batman? And why did she correct herself to 'was'?

"Please come in," Bruce said.

They entered the Manor and it reminded them of Tim's place, back when they both used to live there. Before Jason died the first time. They were led through an entryway, a sitting room, and a dining room. Finally, into an office. Right before the door closed a foot jammed its way in to stop it, revealing a young boy.

"Father, sorry to interrupt, but the police called about Jason. They want to speak to you."

Marinette and Tim paled.

"Wait before you talk to the police can we talk, please," Marinette begged.

Bruce hesitated, "Okay, Damian if you may excuse us."

Damian left the room and Bruce asked, "How much do you know?"

"Nettie and I came to tell you something," Tim said fidgeting.

He was nervous. Marinette wasn't, she was done with everything and ready to come clean. But she could read Tim and she didn't want to drag him down further if he wasn't willing. She needed to protect him anyway. After all, he protected her for years.

"Every year the people who die on Jason's anniversary, I kill them. And the police, they are going to tell you Jason is dead. I killed him. I swear it was an accident. I didn't mean it. I need help. I need to go to jail. I killed my own brother," Marinette was sobbing and Tim was pulling her close.

He whispered in her ear, "Nettie, it's okay. Why did you say it was just you."

She didn't answer the question. But he knew why, she loved him. Bruce on the other hand looked mortified. She didn't blame him. He just found out Jason Todd was dead. His son. Killed by his own sister.

"What do you want?"


"You brought your confession to me, not the police, so what do you want."

"Jason deserves justice. You're Batman, you bring justice. But you'll also get me help. And I need help."

"Leave the city. Don't look back."

"No, I need to go to Prison and pay."

Tim looked concerned, "Nettie they'll put you in for life."

"And I killed my brother so I deserve it."

"You present signs of bipolar disorder, you obviously aren't as insane as Gotham's other killers and you feel remorse, but if you want to spend time somewhere you can plead to be sent to Arkham. It is currently pretty vacant due to a recent breakout. You could get in and if faced with overcrowdedness they may even let you go," Bruce said allowing a tear to fall. "Please leave."

Bruce Wayne knew he had to protect Jason's sister. He would have wanted it. So Bruce offered the best solution he could think of. And the boy, he had a feeling he would be showing up again sometime soon.

Words: 830

Note: I don't know much regarding Gotham's Justice System and its relationship with mental illness. So like everything else I do in life I bullshitted it.

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