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It hurts to breathe. 

I groan and try to sit up, but a flash of pain goes through my back and my arm refuses to move. I peel my eyes open and find myself back in the room Eurybia had let me use. 

“Hey, welcome back to the land of the living.” Pollux gives me a weak smile.

“What are you doing here?”

He grabs my hand, “Something didn’t feel right about letting you all leave. Then when Percy came and got me in the middle of the night, I knew I-we had to come.”

I blink. Somewhere in his story he started rubbing his thumb across my hand. I clear my throat, “What didn’t feel right?”

He doesn’t get the chance to answer because the door opens and Will comes in. “Well I am glad you are awake. Let's get you up.”  He makes quick work of changing my bandages. I keep trying to meet his eye, but he won’t.

“Will, how’s Jason?”

“Jason got up a lot faster than you did. Your first aid helped a lot, but you decided to roll in the sand.”

Pollux snorts, “Of course she did, she is a little impulsive.”

I cringe, “I have no argument. Where is everyone?”

“They are in the sitting area having tea with Eurybia. She’s talking about her blessings.”

I grit my teeth and swing my feet off the bed. “Then let’s get to it then.”

Pollux tries to gently push me back down. “Where are you going?”

I give him a look, “I know you all saw what happened and I am sure there are questions. Now I need to give answers.”

“It can wait, Celeste. We can be patient while you heal.” Will looks at me and I don’t see any resentment or malice, and that spurs me on.

“No you have waited on me long enough.”

I get up and make my way out the door, Will and Pollux on my heels. I take a deep breath and push open the doors. The group gathered looks at me and I resisted the urge to flee. But it is time I tell them. It shouldn’t have been kept secret for so long.

I give a nervous smile. “So, I bet you have questions but I am going to explain.”

Will goes and sits next to Nico as I start my story. I start with how I woke up in the infirmary and as soon as my feet hit the floor I could feel tremors in the earth. Every footstep, every vibration. I tell them how on the beach I stopped a rock from hitting me and I shaped one to stab a Hell Hound the day we found out Lia was a demigod. I explain that she has no power over me, the most she can do is invade my dreams. 

Once I finish my story I hold my breath. The others look at me and no one says anything. I feel panic start to well up and I rack my brain to find something to say. But Eurybia says it first.

“Good job, Daughter of Apollo. Most would not be able to control her. I am glad you were able too.” She stands and motions to her servant, “Come find me in the garden after your discussion, so we can get your blessings sorted.” I track her movements with my eyes and wince as the door closes.

I turn back to the others. Piper and Jason sit to the side, neither seems to want to speak up but having a silent conversation nonetheless.

Will clears his throat. “So why didn’t you talk to us? After everything that happened last time we would have understood.” 

“She didn’t know how we were going to respond. She was probably scared of it herself and wanted to figure it out before she came to us.” Percy learns forward, “But honestly, we should have noticed, she has been acting weird. She merged with a primordial goddess, there were bound to be some side effects.”

“But shouldn’t she have told us when the prophecy mentioned that secrets put us in danger?” Jason coughs, “No offense but it's something we should have known so we could account for it.

“You are right. I should have let you all know. I understand if you feel betrayed. I will accept whatever judgements you have towards me.”

They all share a look. And I can tell they had talked about it before I came in here and reached a decision or understanding. Piper gives me a small smile. “I’m glad we got that out of the way. We just need to share things with each other in the future. Now lets get going I am sure Eurybia is waiting.”


That was too easy. I wanted them to yell at me or get mad, not offer me understanding. It makes me uneasy and I am not sure how to proceed. Nonetheless, I walk back to the room and gather my things. 

I wince as I pick up my bag, the skin on my back tightening. I gingerly reach out to the door with my bad arm. I open it to find Pollux on the other side hand raised to knock. He gives me a small smile before he takes the bag from me.

I sigh, “I would tell you I could carry it but then I would be lying.”

“Celeste Sapphire, you are a walking disaster human.”

“Jee thanks.” I roll my eyes, “Though I am only half human so that might be the problem.”

Pollux lets out a laugh. “The gods really decided to mess our lives up didn’t they?” He lets out a breath of air. “You scared me.”

“What do you mean?”

“When we came. Piper was down, Lia was almost overwhelmed, Jason was lying there, and you. You were curled in the sand. Red blood noticeable from a distance.”

I swallow, “Oh.”

“Then you summoned that rock spike. Your eyes rolled into your head and I was scared that was it.” Pollux looks at me, “You can’t keep putting yourself in danger like that.”

“I don’t do it on purpose. I just was trying to keep it away from the others.”

“By jumping into its claws?”

“Ha-ha. Very funny. I’ll be careful next time. But if I get hurt trying to help someone else then i’ll take it. You did the same for me with the Chimera.”

“I am just going to have to keep an eye on you.”

I use my good arm to gesture to myself. “I don’t think i’ll be doing anything anytime soon.” He snorts.

When we make it to Eurybia she gives us all warm smiles. “Navigation or proficient sailing skills? Take your pick”

Percy shakes his head and pulls Lia back, “Kinda pointless for us to have either.”

She blesses Piper and Will with navigation, Jason, Nico, and Pollux with the skills. She turns to me, “I can not give you my blessing. Gaea’s powers interfere with my own. I can offer you all a bigger boat. One your dragon can rest on perhaps? I will bless it to the wind is always in its sails.”

Jason gives her a nodd. “That would be great.”

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