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"I still can't tell that she is a demigod." Grover sighs, "Obviously you are, but your sent is not strong."

Lia smirks, "Thank you. I bathe regularly. I guess these two just don't know how too."

I swat at Lia causing her to cackle. "Take this seriously  please! I need you to focus. Feel the earth beneath your feet and reach out in a circle around you. Then imagine just that piece shaking."

I watch as she does and I can feel the earth tremble around her. It's not a big area, or very large, but she is doing great.

"Okay, now stop it. Imagine it stopping with an exhale." Lia does as I say and pants from the exertion. "You are doing amazing! Take a breather and Percy will take over the sword fighting."

Grover looks up from the bench, "So how did you guys divide the training up? Wouldn't Percy be better to teach Lia? I mean, he is the sun of the sea God, who causes earthquakes."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. Grover feels something off, like Percy and I are hiding something. And we are. Nobody except those who went on the quest and a few others know about the whole Gaea thing. I would like to keep it that way.

Percy shrugs, "Celeste is a better teacher when it comes to powers."

We did try teaching together for two weeks but we soon decided that I was better at teaching earthquake abilities,  and Percy was great at teaching sword play.

I wonder why? My superior earth teaching is probably  because the earth goddess refuses to get the hades out of my mind. But what can you do?

As I watch Percy and Lia run threw drills when I realize that the air in front of me is shimmering. A smile grows on my face and I throw a drachma into the air.

My smile turns to a look of confusion once I see the concerned eyes of my best friend.

"Hey Saph." He let's out a nervous laugh. "I owe you ten drachmas."

I sigh, "What did you do?"

"Well, do you remember when we made a bet that you would be expelled before me? Well I was expelled," he gives me a sheepish smile and I shake my head.

"I have not been expelled from school yet. Why would you have made that bet? You where on your second one."

He shrugs, "Well it doesn't  really matter does it? Anyways-" he stops and squints at me. "You're  wearing the necklace I gave you!"

I reach for it and hold it in my fingers. "Yeas I am. Are you wearing your dude necklace?"

"Never take it off."

I open my mouth to make some witty comment but Lia plops down next to me. "Stop flirting and get back to training! And whatever you were doing purple Pollux. If you guys flirt anymore I'm going to barf!"

Percy and Grover snicker and I can feel my face heat up.

Pollux looks at lia in confusion, "Ophelia?"

"She's a demigod. She has been making earthquakes and Percy and I have been training her."

"Well I should let you guys get to it. Bye angry short girl." He meets my eyes and gives a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "Bye Saph."

"Wait what's wr-" he doesn't let me finish before he ends the call. I groan and fall back on the ground.

"I'm sorry, did I scare away your boyfriend?" Lia chuckles.

"He's not my boyfriend. He's my best friend."

"I thought you liked him. When I first met him you ranted about how much you hoped I liked him. You never take that necklace off and get a spark in your eyes whenever you talk to him. Am I misinterpreting things?"

I blink and look at her. "Yes. He's my best friend. Yes he's handsome and is the most amazing person I have ever seen, but it's not like that."

Lia looks at me, "I think it is." She hopps up from the ground and picks up her sword.

I stare into the air where Pollux's image was and shake my head.


I look into his eyes with a smile on my face. His smile is slowly replaced by disgust and he pushes me away. He shouts at me and I feel something crack.

The earth around me moves and next thing I know it impaled his stomach. He looks at me and I stand shocked as he falls to the ground.

"You killed him." I turn and see my sister staring at me a horrified look on her face.

I squeze my eyes closed and a soft light enveloped me.

I hear Apollo's voice telling me that I need to look. So I do.

I am surrounded. I'm doing my best to shield Lia from the attacks but I'm wearing out quickly. Were in the middle of the Forrest and I get the feeling that this is the end. Lia has no strength left and slemos to the ground and then I am fighting to keep her safe.

But to no avail. I feel something stab through my leg, then my shoulder, and my wrist. I let our a scream as my world starts to fade to black.

Apollo's voice echoes out, telling me I can avoid this if i-

I jerk awake and muffle a scream. If only this was my room, then I wouldn't  have to. I have made my room so that no sou ds go out but they can still come in.

I look at the clock that says 4:30 Sat and groan. I quietly make my way t outlook my suitcase and pull on a pair of Jean's and Pollux's old Jean jacket.

Its holy and covered in paint but it will work. I silence any sound I make and write a note just in case anyone wakes up and slip out the door.

I paid my way down the hall and out of the building. I start my journey to the beach and when I get there I am not shocked at all to find Percy dangling his feet off t he board walk and into the water.

"Mind if I join you?"

Percy looks up with haunted eyes and nods, we sit together in reassuring  silence.

Moments like this we remember we are not alone, others face what we do. And we can always be a comforting presence even without talking to the other person.

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