Battle Plans

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The boat had five rooms for seven people. Though, it was the only boat that had a big enough deck for the dragon. Piper, Lia, and I shared while Pollux and Will were together. Percy, Jason, and Nico got to have a room to themselves.

It has been smooth sailing since we left Eurybia three days ago. Lia says we are close to where Pontus is and too keep on our guard. Every day the rocking of the boat gets worse, but I just have to push through. The others don't act much different from before they knew about Gaea, but I still expect them to turn on me at any moment.

It's early morning, and the sun is just starting to rise. I had the late watch. I pull my jacket tighter around myself to fight against the cold. It really doesn't help.

It's a few more hours before Will joins me, a true child of Apollo can never sleep too long.

I give him a small smile, "Morning." He waves before handing me a bagel. I nod my thanks and we munch on our breakfast in silence. Not too much later, the others start to make their way to the deck.

Lia makes her way over to me. "We should be there later in the day."

Will gives a solemn nod and heads off, probably to find Nico. Lia pats my back and heads off to Percy. He has been helping her with her water abilities. She is not nearly as strong as he is, but we figure she is a product of Poseidon's wilder side because of her earthquake affinity.

I hug the jacket tighter around me and push off the railing. I go below deck to search for Pollux. I find him in the kitchen area talking with Jason and Piper. He gives me a tired smile.

Jason yawns, "How'd watch go?"

"It was quiet. Nothing bothered us."

"It's been a little too quiet. It kind of worries me." Piper plays with the braid in her hair.

"Lia told me we will be there later today. I am going to prepare some backpacks and little med kits."

"I'll help." Pollux stands up and stretches. Jason gives us a nod and turns to Piper.

We walk in silence to the little room Eurybia had stocked for us.

I clap my hands, "So I figured that Will and I can have backpacks. We don't need as much movement if we stick to our bows. And if we do we can always cast the bags aside. For everyone else we need to make sure they have ambrosia."

We set to work. Pollux gathers out the ambrosia and finds ziplocs for them as I pack up bandages and gauze into Will and I's bags. We find canteens and little bottles to fill with nectar. For Will's bag, I attach two quivers on the sides of them.

"Okay I think that should cover it."

"Give me Will's bag."

I give Pollux a look but hand it over. He grabs a long length of rope off the table and puts it in the bag. As well as a wood board. I give him a look, "What are those for?"

"I don't know, there is some in your bag too. But I had a dream and I think we will be needing these." Pollux sighs and turns to me. "Are you worried about what's going to happen when we get there?"

"I guess I am. We have to find the two that Pontos kidnapped, stop him, and get everyone out safely. But we can do it. Are you okay?"

"I am worried about this. I mean you and Jason are still recovering."

"Well we are fine. Jason has cleared Will's last check up and I'm almost there."

"You expect to be able to carry a backpack when your back is still blistered?"

I roll my eyes, "Pollux I'll be-"

"-be fine? You always say that. But it's always worse than you make it seem. You can't keep downplaying and pushing yourself. I'm tired of watching you try to do things on your own."

"Pollux I-"

"No Saphire." He puts his hands on my shoulders, "You need to take care of yourself and make it back to Eliana. And I am tired of watching you get hurt."

"I don't do it on purpose."

He lets out a sad laugh, "I know you don't. But you have no regard for your own life. I swear, we need to wrap you in bubble wrap." He leans in close and looks me dead in the eyes. "I need you to promise me that if something happens you will not jump in front of me no matter what happens."


"Promise me."

I shake my head, "No I will not. You should know better than that."

He puts his hands on either side of my cheek, "I need you to promise me Saph."

"No Pullux, I will not promise that. Because by the gods, I know if this was reversed you would never promise."

He lets out a long sigh, 'Yeah you're right." He looks at me a long while before kissing my forehead and grabbing the Backpacks. "Come on lets get these upstairs."

As I watch him walk away a sense of dread fills my stomach.


"Alright guys, we have another hour before we reach shore. That time is going to fly so lets make a plan." Jason rubs his hands together, "I say we split up when we get there. Have one team look for Leo and Calypso and the others distract Pontus."

"That sounds like a good plan. I should be on the team distracting." Percy looks around, "Will should be on the rescue team in case they need attention."

Jason nods. "Lia should go with them. She can always help in case there is water involved. And in theory there will be less fighting."

"I'm going to go with them." Nico says.

Jason nods. "Alright, when you guys find them, meet back with the rest of us. You guys will be support but your main job will be to keep them safe. We don't know what state they are in."

"Lets hope for the best."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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