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I toss and turn all night, unable to catch a wink of sleep. Finally, I give up and slide into some shoes. I make sure to tread lightly as I make my way out of the cabin.

I take a deep breath and sigh, letting the cool crisp air soothe me. I make sure that I keep an eye out for Harpies as I walk around camp. I have no clue why I walk over to the beach but when I get there, it only makes sense that I find Percy sitting in the waves.

"Mind if I join you?" 

Percy looks startled for a moment before nodding his head. "So why are you up?"

"I figure my reason is not so different from yours."

"Are you sure about that? I am here because Lia snores."

"Does she now?" I snort, "I would have pegged her for a sleepwalker." Percy gives me a small smile before he turns back to the sea. I take a deep breath, "I'm sorry Percy." When he gives me a confused look I speak again before he could get the chance. "I'm sorry that at the meeting we all were talking about you, instead of with you."

Percy cocks his head, "To be honest, I didn't really notice. I was to busy trying to figure out what I wanted to do. Well I noticed, but it stopped bothering me a long time ago."

"That doesn't mean it was right. I just wanted to let you have some peace. I remember your face when we got the news from Rachel and I know you have been through so much. I guess I wanted to help you without considering how, and if, your feelings had changed." I look at my hands and fidget with Hestia's ring.

"I know you were, and I appreciate it. I am not sure what I should do. I mean, I really don't want to keep being the center of all these quests; but at the same time, how could I let my friends go without me? Look what happened earlier. You almost drowned. And then there is Lia. Who I just found out was my sister." Percy runs a hand through his hair, "Together, we barely held him off."

"I know Percy. It scares me. I want you know that either way you decide, I support you."

He nods his head at me and stands up, completely dry even though he was just in the water. "We should head back." He offers me a hand up and we proceed in a comfortable silence. Well almost silence, my shoes make it sound like I am walking in a puddle.

"I have been meaning to ask you-" Percy stops and turns to me, "-what was Pontos talking with you about?"

My blood runs cold and I gulp. "Gaea." I want to be as truthful as possible, I am getting sick of lying but am terrified of how he and the others will react once they find out that Gaea is still inhabiting me. I'll have to tell someone someday, but I am not ready. Not today.

"What about Gaea?"

"Just that I used to be her vessel and that intrigued him." I hope that my voice doesn't quaver as the lies slip off my tongue.

Percy stares at me for a long moment. "Come on. breakfast starts soon." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After changing and eating a silent last breakfast, the others and I gather at The big house for farewells. As we wait for Lia to show up, we sit in a awkward silence. I play with the ring on my finger as Jason and Piper whisper to themselves. 

"Hey! Did you think you could leave without saying goodbye?"

I turn to find Pollux with a sad smile on his face. "No I did not. I knew you would pop up somewhere." Pollux goes to respond when Percy and Lia come into view, followed by Annabeth, Nico, and Will.

Jason clears his throat, "Alright guys, Chiron has provided us to a ride to a boat rental shop nearby. From there we are on our own"  He turns to Percy, "Have you decided if you are going or not?"

"I am staying here, though Will wants to go in my place."

Jason nods, "Alright then, we leave in five minutes. Say your goodbyes now."

I tell Pollux I will be right back before throwing my arms around Percy. "I know that was difficult for you."

He pulls back and ruffles my hair, "It was. Take care of Lia for me will you?" 

"Of course I will."

Annabeth places a hand on my shoulder, "And take care of yourself."

I walk back to Pollux, "Don't do anything stupid while I am gone."

"How can I? You are taking all the stupid with you." 

I roll my eyes and give him a hug before walking over to Nico and Will. 

"Couldn't let me out of your sight, could you?" 

Will just laughs at me, "How could I? Last time I did you ate a goddess." I roll my eyes.

"Celeste-" Nico places a hand on my shoulder, "-do not do anything rash. And take care of yourself."

I nod at Nico and gather my things. I start to make my way down the hill when my arm is grabbed and I find myself in Pollux's embrace.

"Saph, message me if you need me. And-" he pulls back a little to look in my eyes, "-come back in one piece."

I Look into his purple eyes and I can see how worried he is. "I will come back. Can't guarantee that I will be in one piece though."

His grip around me tightens, "You have to come back. I-I-Just be careful. Please."

I nod, "I will do everything I can to." I furrow my brow. What is going on in his head? Why is he so worried?

He slowly nods, "Okay." He pushes some hair behind my ear and I can feel my face heat up.

I watch him walk away before turning to the van and steeling myself for the journey ahead.

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