Second day

403 17 9

Celeste's pov

Knock, knock, knock.

Elenore, Eliana, and I all look at the door. I sigh and stand up, hoping it is Percy on the otherside of the door, if not I need to reevaluate Gaea's powers.

I throw open the door, "Hello."

Percy grins at me, "Out took me a while before I remembered where you were."

"Well you found us." I step aside, "Come on in."

I let Percy put his bag by the door and lead him to the kitchen where we all are eating dinner.

Aunt Elenore looks at him curiously, "Haven't I seen you before?"

"Yes you have. I was there when you first met Celeste. I am Percy Jackson."

Elenore nods, "Elenore O'Brian." She looks at him than at me, "Am I going to have to worry about you two?"

I roll my eyes, "No you are not. You do know I am not attracted to every boy you meet right?"

Percy looks amused, "Celeste is pretty and all, but I have a girlfriend. Don't plan on leaving her anytime soon either."

"Eli, let's get going. Don't want to be late today do you?" I put my plate in the sink and refrain from washing it. Soon we are packed and out the door.

"So how was your night Percy?"

"It was great. Mom made blue cookies."

"Blue cookies?"

Percy shakes his head, "You have never heard about blue cookies? I will have to bring you some."

"Okay then. I'll hold you too it."

We drop Eli off and make our way to school. Once inside, we say our fair wells and go our separate ways.

I walk to math, hoping Ophelia would be there today. I walk into the classroom and slide into the desk that I sat in yesterday. I open my book and start to read.

"Excuse me. What is your name?"

I glance up from my book and see three girls standing in front of me. A tall brunnet with green shirt and black pants, a blond with a black shirt and teal pants, and a redhead in a white dress. I automatically know these three are The Three. Those girls always travel in threes or more.

"I'm Celeste. Who might you be?"

The brunnet answers, obviously the leader. "I am Audrey." She waves to the blonde, "This is Cali. And that is Daphne."

"Lovely meeting you." I go back to my book.

I here Audrey growl and she yanks my book out of my hand. "I wasn't done talking to you. "

I stare at her, "Sorry, what do you need." I monotone.

"I want to know what you do about Percy."

I furrow my brows, "Percy? Percy Jackson?" I laugh, "You know you are not getting anywhere with him right?"

Cali scoffs, "We don't want that speech. We are aware of his girlfriend but we are also aware that you two are close."

"Yes, I met him and his girlfriend at summer camp."

Daphne leans in close to me, "We want you too put in a good word for us."

"You do realize that, one, he has a girlfriend, two he wouldn't be interested in any of you, and three if for whatever reason they broke up, you all do realize that only one of you can have him right?" I lean in closer too Daphne, "Who would get him then?"

The girls share a uneasy glance and I grunt, "Well why you decide that-" I pluck my book out of Audrey's grasp, "-i'll be reading."

Audrey stomps her foot, "Why you little-"

"Oh grow up, Audrey. You shouldn't be stomping your foot like a child. Now run along." Ophelia sets her bag on the desk, "And play nice with the other kids would you? I wouldn't want your parents to be called."

Audrey scoffs, "At least I have parents."

I slam my book closed and prepare to throw it at her when Ophelia calmly smiles.

"I have parents. Two wonderful ones who adopted me. And before you say anything else, at least my parents wanted me, yours are stuck with you."

I can't help but snicker as Audrey's face gets all bunched up. She flips her hair over her shoulder and walks away.

"So, you are the new kid right? Celeste was it?"

I smile at Ophelia, "Yes it is. And you are Ophelia?"

She grimaces, "Please just call me Lia. Ophelia sounds so stuck up."

We chat till Mrs. Gilliam comes in. Throughout class Lia keeps making small comments only I can here. She is very sarcastic.

"Hurry up Celeste I'm starving!" Lia pushes me twords the cafeteria .

"I know. I heard you the first three times."

"Well if you know why are you going so slow!" She whines.

"So I didn't see you after math yesterday. Where did you go?" Turns out we have art together.

She shrugs and hops in line, "I left. I went home."

"You didn't get in trouble?"

"Only a little bit, but it was all okay."

We grab our food and I lead us too Percy's lunch table. Lia stiffens when she sees the boys but never less follows me.

"Wow, yesterday there was only one girl at the table. Today, there is a pretty girl and a donkey."

Lia narrows her eyes and sits across from Percy. I kick Patrick under the table.

"Don't be rude," I hiss.

"So who is this? Welcome to our table, sorry about Patrick he's just a butt."

"Call me Lia. Yes it seems he is."

I watch as Patrick and Lia stare each other down, sensing the tension I start a coversation with Percy. And as it turns out, Lia and him have allot in common. They both live the water and soon enough they have a animated conversation about fish.

When the bell rings Percy and I head to class, and to our supprise, Lia is in Mr. Blofis' class too. We sit in the back and whisper most of the class. Turns out, Ophelia is a very cool person, just hotheaded at times.

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