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(Yes I did draw the photo above because there will be no art steeling around this story. All characters are originated by the video game brands Respawn Entertainment and EA)

   (Crypto) Pov:

                      I quickly grabbed my jacket, hack (my drone) and ran out of my dorm door. I am late! Today, Wattson and I are supposed to finish assembling the artifact that Loba assigned us to fix. Caustic was supposed to be doing it with Wattson, but there was a change of plans since Caustic was to busy with his experiments.

            Boy, has he bin wrapped up in his experiments lately. A little sketchy if you ask me. He doesn't seem to like me all to much, well... anyone in that matter, but i don't care about him. He doesn't scare me.

           I burst into Mirages bar. Sweat dripping down the sides of my cheeks. I acted like I wasn't tired, put my hands in my pocket, fixed my jacket collar, and proceeded to the table where Wattson was supposed to be... but she wasn't there...

          I look to my right, and wraith came out of her portal, dragging octane along with her. The look on her face had worried me. Wraith never had a disturbed look on her face, because Wraith is... well, you know... WrAiTh. The only time I have ever seen Wraith with that look is when someone is hur-... NATALIE!

        Everybody was gathered around a table, with a girl on it. Sadly, we all knew who that girl was... It was Wattson, or as she preferred to be called outside the arena, Natalie. She looked hurt, badly. She was just laying there, cold. She had scratches on her face and arms. She was severely wounded.

       Caustic was standing at the table, looking at Natalie. Loba said something about Natalie not mattering right now, but Loba couldn't finish her sentence. Caustic had her pinned against the wall, by the neck. Caustic really cares about Wattson, I wonder why?

      I look at Natalie again. Her skin, pale, her eyes latched shut, her breathing, slow. I look back at Caustic and Loba. Loba was gasping for breath on the floor while Caustic storms out of the bar. I look at the other legends. None of the seem to care about Loba, but about Natalie. I wouldn't blame them.

      I feel like Natalie is the only one I can trust. She is so kind and smart. How am I supposed to work on the tech without her? All I know is coding, and robotics. She is amazing at what she does...

And I thought I was smart...

      I wonder what she is dreaming about? The other legends walk away, but Wraith is sitting in a chair next to Natalie. I decided to grab a chair of my own, and sit next to her. I started asking wraith many questions about Natalie to see if she knew what happened. Wraith was to sad to talk. She got up, and walks over to Loba. I don't really know anything about Wraith, but one thing that I do know, is that you do not want her to approach you like that.

    Wraith walked slowly over to Loba with a face of rage, but yet sadness. Wraith started talking to Loba, but I couldn't make out any of the words except for "up." Just then we all looked up, and Revenant drops down from the roof. How did he find out about what we were doing? I bet Caustic is up to this.

     I do not trust Caustic. At all.

    Revinant had found out about our plan, and plans to stop us. Lets see how that works out for him...


  Everybody had left Mirage's bar, except for me and Mirage. I figure that if I can assemble even a piece of this tech, I could prove myself to Natalie. I pick up a piece of tech, but its just TO Complicated!!! I have been here for over 3 hours, and I haven't even began to grasp the complexity of this tech. What is it, and how did Loba find out about it?

    I turn my head to check on Natalie. She is still peacefully asleep. I decide to call it a night. I throw hack out to keep watch over Natalie for the night. I head back to my dorm, but on the street its almost to quiet. I have the sense that I am being followed.

       I turn the corner, I wait... quietly. Caustic then turns the corner, as if he was looking for me. I tried to pin him down, but he struggles out of my grip. He then pins me against the wall by the neck just like he did to Loba earlier. He proceeds to say "what did you do to Ms, Paquette!!!?"

" Nothing! What is your deal?!" I respond with. "You are in Mrs. Paquette's way, she doesn't have time for your insolence, you are just distracting her. Nothing but a mere distraction." He let's go of my neck, and I come crashing to the ground. Now I know how Loba felt earlier. I could barely breath, and I felt my face turning purple.

     I get up, fists up at the ready to throw down... But Caustic is gone. How could a fat man be so sneaky, and fast? I check my drone to check on Natalie, but she is safe. I decide to go back to the bar. Mirage offered for me to stay in one of the up stair rooms earlier, might as well take him up on that offer.

Electric Love (Crypto + Wattson)Where stories live. Discover now