Brett's No Good Very Bad Night

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I smiled at Cody as he continued to talk and I felt my heart beat hard against my chest.

"I'm going to grab another drink. Want anything Cody?" he shook his head and I left for the kitchen.

"Hey man! Can you believe Mikey bailed? The coward can't even show his face. Anyways, who's the blonde?" Kendall asked. I almost gagged at the stench radiating from his breath.

"My friend, Cody. He's here for a couple of weeks and Mike isn't a coward. You're the one who slept with his girlfriend," I answered while making myself another drink.

"I think he's gay," the bottle of tequila slipped from my hand and my head snapped towards him.


"You're friend, Cody," he said while refilling his drink.

"And what is wrong with that?" I asked, feeling more annoyed with this conversation.

"I just think it's weird. Ya know?"

"No, his dating preference shouldn't define him," I snapped and grabbed my drink before leaving the kitchen.

"No need to get upset man,"

"I'm not. I just think your being homophobic," I said and he shrugged.

"What's wrong with girls?" he asked and I gave him a dumbfounded look.

"Kendall. Please stop talking. He has a right to live the way he wants and right now you're being a prick," Kendall grabbed my shirt collar.

"Are you afraid your boyfriend will hear me?" I pulled his hand off my shirt and slammed my cup on the counter.

"He's not my boyfriend! And you need to check yourself! I'm sick and tired of you hurting the people I love! I'm done standing by. Say anything about Cody, Mikey, or Danny again and I will make sure to personally end you!" I could feel my face redden and I looked around the room, "What are you looking at? Get back to the party!" I shouted.

"Brett. Let's go outside," I heard Cody say.

"We weren't finished talking. Why don't you go and hit on someone else," before I could stop myself, I swung my fist into Kendall's face. I pushed him onto the ground and started throwing more punches until everything went black.

"Brett! Get off him! You'll kill him!" my arms were pulled away and I was pulled outside.

"Calm down!" I struggled out of Jackson and Cody's grip.

"I'll kill him," I snapped and fell on the ground.

"Going to jail isn't worth it," Jackson stated and Danny joined us.

"Are you okay?" she asked and I nodded.

"Can you guys give Cody and I a second?" Jackson grabbed Danny's hand and pulled her back inside.

"You didn't have to attack him babe," Cody mumbled.

"Yes I did. No one deserves to be treated that way," I explained and he sat down next to me.

"Thank you for standing up for me, but Brett, I've been dealing with all the hate and hazing since I came out in middle school," I put my head on his shoulder, not caring if anyone saw us.

"I'm new to all this, remember. It took me until junior year to come out," he laughed and kissed my head.

"I love you," he said and I looked up at him.

"I love you too,"

After a couple hours of calming down, we headed back inside.


The sun burned into my skin and I rolled over onto my back.

"Ow!" a voice said.

"Oh Cody, I thought you left last night," I said looking at the man who stole my heart.

"Of course I'm still here," he smirked and kissed me softly.

"So I was thinking we could go on a date tonight?" Cody suggested, looking down at me. I put my arms behind my head and flexed my tired muscles.

"Sounds great. Do you want to shower before we get breakfast?" he nodded, running his hands through his hair.

"Okay I'll be back. Don't miss me too much," he teased and walked out of my room. A soft knock on the front door caught my attention and I walked quickly downstairs.

"Hey Danny," I answered.

"I'm just checking in. How are you doing?"

"Good. I'm kinda glad I beat the crap out of him,"

"He had it coming. I just didn't expect you of all people to snap,"

"I wanted to talk to you about why I snapped," I confessed, "Cody is actually,"

"Hey Brett where is my phone?" my head snapped in his direction and so did Danny, "Hey Danny. I didn't know you were over,"

"When did you two start dating?" she asked.

"After the first competition," I answered.

"I'm so happy for you guys," she gushed and clapped her hands.

"I gotta go. My mom wants me home," Cody said scratching the back of his head.

"Okay." I frowned and started walking towards the door,"I'm picking you up at seven," I whispered and looked into his green eyes.

"See you tonight." he kissed me and climbed into his car.

"I'm really happy for you," she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you are supportive. We aren't out to many people, but I trust you," I explained and she nodded happily.

"Tell them when you guys are ready and Jackson and I will be there to back you up," she hugged me again and I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"I love you Danny. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't accept this,"

"I love you too Brett," she looked down at her phone and made a face, "Mikey just showed up at the house. I'm going to beat his ass for not telling me where he was last night," she shoved her phone in his back pocket and walked towards the door.

"I'll see you Monday," I said and she opened the door before responding.

"Have fun on your date tonight," with one last wave, I shut the door.


I pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath. I opened my car door and I walked up the steps. I gulped and shook out my nerves. I knocked on the door and Cody's mom opened the door.

"Hi Brett! Cody is helping his father outside. He should be done soon," I gave her a small smile and walked inside. Being here makes me nervous because neither of our families know and it's so hard hiding.

"I'll go out and say hi then," I walked out and Cody looked up first.

"Hey dad, Brett's here and we have a movie to catch in an hour," he said and his dad turned and smiled at me.

"Have fun and maybe try and convince Cody to get back together with Carly. I really liked that girl," I felt my stomach tighten and Cody cleared his throat.

"We should get going. Bye dad. I'll text if I end up spending the night," he walked past me and out the front door. I unlocked the car door and Cody grabbed my hand.

"Hey. Not with them right there," I said. Fear clouding my thoughts.

"I'm sorry about my dad. I wish we could just tell them and finally be ourselves," I opened the door for him and walked over to my side.

"Me too. I know my mom would be understanding, but my dad would kick me out," I explained.

"At least you have faith that one of your parents would love you for you. My parents will never see anything, but the perfect girl," I started the car and looked at him.

"We will tell them when we're ready. Right now, let's focus on us," I kissed him softly. Happiness only comes around so often and right now, with Cody, I think I've finally found it.

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