chapter Six: The last step

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heyyoo guys,

So I was just listening to Ed and I cant deal he has grown up so much and its painful like when the hell did ed get skinny? Its painful been a fangirl innit....  so to end it on a Ed note.

"Pains only relevant if it still hurts" U.N.I

The alarm sounded through out the empty room. I knew I didn't need an alarm, that's for people who actually like to sleep but I have one anyway. I swung my bare legs over the bed, my feet brushing over the soft rug as I walk over to the white, glossy door.

I stumble over my own two feet, I cannot even see straight, there is two of everything. The world is fuzzy as I walk to the kitchen and grab myself a glass of water. My head feels like it just went through labor and  now the baby is crying really fucking loud in my head. The all to familiar results of crying yourself to sleep.

Hope fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow leaving me with my own demons to talk to. They comfort me when all the doors are slammed, they tell me its okay. When I'm all alone and no one cares I talk back to them sometimes.

I used to run away from them, they used to scare me but now their a part of me. They've always been apart of me I didn't get to chose that but now I've given up. I stopped running a long time ago, I knew id never win there are too many of them and there relentless. They wont rest until there in my head telling me what to do and whispering dark things.

Hope came and sat down next to me snapping me out of my trance. She had already gotten dressed in the clothes I had laied out for the night before.

I went and changed myself and came back to eat  some shitty cereal Hope begged me to get from Asda.

"Sam, are you even listening?" Hope asked me. I turn to look at her.

"Sorry babe, I'm just trying to remember everything its a big day today" I say to her explaining my mood to her.

She nods. "Well If you were listening you would have herd me say I don't want a princess room anymore" She says to me.

"What? You love princesses" I say to her giving her a questioning look.

"Not anymore there just stupid little girls waiting for a stuck up prince to come and save them, pretty pathetic if you ask me" I look at her surprised from he sudden epiphany.

"Hope why would you say that" I ask her.

"I want to be like you and you don't have a prince" she says in a way in which I can tells shes given a lot of thought to the matter.

" Honey, people are blessed with different things. I didn't get a prince but I got you and now if I'm honest I don't want a prince. But you Hope,your beautiful and kind and pure you will find a prince and he will be sweet and handsome and you will be happy together" I say to her walking over and holding her in a tight embrace.

"Don't ever forget that. Do you understand?" I  say into her hair.

She nods which is shortly followed by a sigh.

"But I want you to have a prince" Hope says and I open my mouth to talk but there is a ringing from the phone.

I get up to answer it and hold the phone to my ears.

The driver is outside can you buzz me in.

Niall's voice sounds through the speakers.

I buzz Niall so can help with the bags and what not. There is a knock at the door and I go to open it. Niall comes through the door a smile on his face.

"Hope this is Niall he is my new boss" I say and Hope gives him an unsure smile. Everyone stands round the living room awkwardly until Niall brakes the silence.

"So where are the bags" Niall asks and I point to the corner of the room.

"You talk funny" Hope says to Niall. Niall lets out a loud chuckle and I laugh as well.

"I'm from Ireland, they have different accents there " he tells her.

" I like it" she tells him and he thanks her.

I grab a bag and Hope grabs her little carry along letting Niall carry all the heavy luggage as he insisted.

Once we get to the car Niall's driver takes all the bags and buts them into the boot of the car. I climb into the black vehicle and close  the door.  I look out of the frosty window and smile at the children playing in the street. They all seem happy oblivious to the objects around them. The syringes ans cigarette buds and the beer bottle here and there.  The car begins move down the beat down street. I look around trying to soak it all up before it gone.

I couldn't deny the part of me, no matter how small, that would miss Crawley. So what if it was shitty? It was my home town.

The car soon ends up on the motorway and not much has been said just a load of awkward glances between the three of us. Thank god Niall's driver decided to turn on the radio to cover up the screaming silence pervading the car.

After a few more hours of awkwardness the driver pulls up into a block of very nice looking apartments.

"Welcome to your new home" Niall says to me and Hope. The apartments look amazing.

We step out of the car and Niall stands by the car.

"This is as far as I can go, Ill be in close contact" He says and I nods. Before he leaves he hands be a thick yellow folder and tell me to look through it.

Hope and I, hand in hand walk up the stairs with the key in my free hand as we search for number 12. When we find it we come to  a stop at the oak door.

I hold they hot key in my hands and put it into the door to open it. The door swings open and we walk into the apartment together .

The first we thing we see is a huge living room decorated modernly. Red and blacks were swirled around the room adding a sense of class. I loved it and judging Hopes wide mouth she did too.

We walked around and admired the space. Each room better than the next. When you compared it to our apartment back home this was a castle fit for kings and queens.

We sat down on the black leather couch. Neither of us spoke at all. In fact we were in complete silence. Until the doorbell rang of course. And that was the start of something life changing. A card , a call and a ring at the door.

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