Chapter One: The Dreams

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This was dedicated to my first vote and reader so thank you @arodriguez3674

Sammy's POV:

Hey! Thank you so much for reading. This chapter is just for you to get a feel of the main character and her lifestyle. Enjoy x


I sat by the fireplace watching the flames dance widely behind the clear glass. The cup of coffee gave me the extra warmth as well as the energy to keep me up.

After the endless Therapy sessions and doctor visits Oneirophobia is what they diagnosed me with. It's the fear of dreaming. For me it's not so much the dream it's the memories that haunts me every time I close my eyes.

My therapist told me that to write down what happens in the dreams straight after I have them so I could remember everything. What she didn't know is that I didn't have to be asleep to remember my dream I didn't even need to close my eyes. I remember every last detail from the registration plate on the car to the red nails that waved me goodbye.

I tear my eyes from the hypnotizing fire flames and walk over to the empty book I had dedicated to writing down these flashbacks. The only reason I go on with this torture of therapy is because of the little girl sleeping in the other room. They wouldn't let me keep her if I didn't do at least four years of therapy and this is the last session until I'm free of the past.

The thing is with therapy is that when you have to keep telling someone your story you can't forget it or even began to heal from the trauma. Because every time you say you relive it.
I put my pen onto the blank paper and let the black ink cover the page.

The black car rolled down the cobble driveway with the woman and the man that haunted my past in the front seats. I held the little girl in my hand oblivious to her surroundings. The tears rolled down my face onto my stained T-shirt before I wipe it away with my free hand.

The car has soon disappeared into the distance along with my Mother and her Boyfriend but most of all along with all the pain of past five years. The little girl looked up at me.

"Where is mummy going" Hope asked

"Away Honey" I answered her unsure of how to answer the question.

I pull away my pen from the paper and close the book wiping my eyes from the salty tears coming from my hot eyes. I turn the page and write down the next memory.The writing was soothing to me despite the tears in my eyes that would say otherwise.

My thirteen year old self sat on the beer stained sofa looking at the TV. No one was home so I was allowed to watch TV. Steven didn't let me watch TV neither did Amy.

The door swung open to reveal a stoned Steven his eyes were blood shot red as we stumbled towards me.

"What do you think you're doing" He slurred turning off the telly.
I look to the floor to scared to say a word. He slaps me around the face in one swift motion making me fall to the floor. The sick smile on his face make me feel nauseous.

"Bedroom now" he say pointing to the white door. I stand up walking over to the door with my head held low ashamed that he had this power over me. I sit on his and Amy's bed I closed my eyes hoping that maybe he would pass out or forget to come but all my hopes of that happening soon faded into nothingness as I herd him opening the door to the bedroom.

"You little Bitch you never listen your just going to have to be punished then aren't you" He shouts at me I don't look at him instead I stare white wall behind him.

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