Chapter 2

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      After the battle with Gaia, I decided to detach myself from my new family for a week. Even Annabeth. I needed to get ready for everything and since I've been clinging to her for so long and I haven't seen Mystic Falls in forever, I decided to go connect with my past. The first person I had to confront was Annabeth. This is going to be really hard.

      "Hey, Annabeth?"

      "Yes, Seaweed Brain?"

     "I was thinking if I could go alone to Mystic Falls." Annabeth's eyebrows scrunched together.

      "What's there?"

      "It was actually where I was born."

      "Oh, of course, Percy. I didn't realize that. You kind of made it sound like you were ditching me for another girl and this was your excuse. Where is Mystic Falls?" There was no point in trying to trick wise girl, because she would look it up after to see if I was right. 

      "I'm pretty sure it's in Virginia."

      "Virginia! Percy, that's a long drive."

      "Yeah, about that... Zeus is letting me travel in the air now."

      "Really! Percy, that's amazing!" I smiled and softly chuckled.

      "Yeah, it's just going to be a little hard to sit still for the whole flight. Especially if its going to be around 3 hours."

      "Hey, you'll make it. Your the second time savior of Olympus, I think you can live through a three hour flight."

      "You'd be surprised." Is all I said. Annabeth sighed and waved me away, grabbing a book from the Athena cabin bookshelf (I mean, there has to be one, right?) I walked away and left her to her studies.

      "Bye Wise girl," I whispered and walked away, closing the door quietly on the way out. One down, 6 more to go. I walked to the Zeus cabin and opened the door, to find a honorific sight. Two words. Jason. Dresses. I'm talking about those that you'd get dress coded for because they are so high. Not 18th century type of things. I shuddered and walked in.

      "So, Jason, I was wondering if you wanted to put makeup- OH, HEY PERCY!" Piper said as she dropped her things on the cabin floor and ran to me, pulling me down onto the floor in attempt to jump into my arms. I wasn't ready so we toppled over and cracked up. I sat and looked at an embarrassed Jason in a dress.

      "Lose a bet?"

      "No, it was a truth or dare," Piper explained as she already helped me up. How did she get up so fast? Jason shook his head.

      "Pipes dared me to dress as a girl." Piper sighed.

      "It was as a girl prom date." I laughed.

      "So, Percy, why are you here? I thought you were going to your mom's."

      "Yeah, but see, I need a tiny break and I thought that I should tell you that I'm going to Mystic Falls."

      "Where's that?"

      "Just in Virginia."

      "Long flight then."


      "Well, have fun!" Piper butted in.

      "Yeah," was Jason's smart response.

      "Thanks!" I yelled, running out of the cabin. I wished Leo had finished making those monster proof phones. I would have totally taken a picture of it or made a meme. It would say

When you get up from sleeping and you realize you have 30 minutes till prom and have nothing to wear.

      That would be amazing. I'll have to tell Leo to look at Jason. He'll have the same idea as me. Speaking of Leo, I walked over to the bunker 9 and opened the door to have a wrench thrown at me. I caught it out of the air before it flew passed my face.

      "Whoa there Leo. Didn't know you wanted to assassinate me."

      "Percy, if I wanted to kill you, I would have to try harder," Leo said as he took off his goggle looking things. Great description, Percy. "So, what's up?"

      "So, I just want to tell you in advance that I'm going to this city called Mystic Falls. It's nothing really, just in the middle of nowhere in Virginia. I used to live there and I just wanted to visit it again." Leo nodded. I continued. "Also, there's something that you should see." I grinned an evil grin and Leo did the same, because he knew if my evil grin was on, I had either just seen something funny or that I pranked someone. I went to the Zeus Cabin with Leo by my side to see Jason, with makeup on, in a dress, with high heels. Leo and I burst out into laughter and tears spilled out of our eyes. The campers around us gathered and began to laugh as they saw Jason in a dress, with high heels and makeup on. I disappeared from the crowd and went to my cabin to iris message Hazel and Frank before I left.

      "Fleecy, do me a solid. Show Frank at Camp Jupiter." Frank appeared in the mist. He looked like he was having battle plans with Hazel.

      "Hey guys," I said and Frank and Hazel looked up from their plans.

      "Oh, hey Percy," Hazel said.

      "I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to Mystic Falls, because I lived some of my childhood there. Just so you know that I won't be kidnapped by some god or goddess again." Frank and Hazel nodded.

      "Alright, Percy, have a fun time," Frank said and Hazel sweeped her hand over the mist, cutting off the connection. Now all I had to do was pack.

Hope you liked it!

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