Chapter 6

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Goodness guys, we're up to 100 views!!!!

Seriously, I never thought it was going to get this many views. 

Just one more thing to tell you is that I have made ANOTHER crossover.

And it hasn't been a month yet. 

I have a pretty big problem.

Well, onto Chapter 6

      I woke up staring at a pile of dirt. Why. The. Heck. Am. I. Staring. At. A. Pile. Of. Dirt. I quickly stood and stared at the pile of dirt intently. Don't ask me why, it's just a bit peculiar that someone would have a pile of dirt in a room. I quickly looked around the room and found a door. Wow Percy, you found a door? Yep, I found a door. Today was not my best day alright. I just got lobbed on the head by a book and kidnapped. I'm not ok. I assessed if I could fit through the tiny area that was called a window when the door unlocked. I guess I wouldn't have to try. Again, this was not my best day in the world. I found myself looking into Elena.

"Do your boys know that your down here?" Stefan walked up behind her. "I guess I will take that as a yes." I started to walk forward, but a chain stopped. The one pulling on my ankle. My brain is really messed up.

"You didn't understand that you had a little... anklet?" Damon joked as he walked into view right by Stefan.

"I'm having trouble today," I said as I sat down. "It'll happen when your head's been hit really hard with a book." I gave Stefan a wolf glare and he flinched. Feeling satisfied I layed down on my back.

"Why are you here," I asked them.

"We want to know why you know about vampires, werewolves, and witches. And why the drink that Stefan got from a witch to put in your drink made you choke like what it does with us and vervain and werewolves with wolf's bane." (spelling?) Great. The witches already know who I am.

"Well, it seems that you already your answer. At least the witches do," I said, focusing on the air molecules around me to subside my concussion. I felt a whole lot better after that. I sat up and looked at the chain. Nothing that Riptide couldn't break. Now the problem was the door... Unless. No. Maybe. Damon ran at me and hit be against the wall, choking me.

"Tell me what you are!" Now was the time, I guess, when I tell them my secret. I sighed. I wish I could have gotten a little bit farther, but now, I guess, it's too hard to keep secrets away from Damon.

"I'm your brother." That's when all Hades broke loose

Sorry again for the medium sized chapter, I just wanted to get something out there for you. 

Reading the "I'm your brother" kind of makes it sound like "Luke, I am your father," type of thing. Idk if it's just me that's fine.

Anyways, bye


Vampire Diaries and Percy Jackson crossover (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now