Chapter 5

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Guys, were already on Chapter 5!

Onto the story...

      And then, I started to choke. Why was this happening? I wasn't a werewolf or a vampire, so what did he slip into my drink. I used my power to try to identify the liquid that was now hurting me. He put literal melted celestial bronze into my drink. What the heck! (Stronger use of word can be used, but not in the comments) I quickly used my water abilities to pull the celestial bronze out of my esophagus and onto the pavement. I didn't seem to see Damon walking up behind me. Once I was done with puking my insides out, I turned around right into Damon's fist. Man that hurt. I kind of actually moved when I was hit. I shook my head a tiny bit and walked forward, knowing that I was bleeding pretty bad. Damon's veins around his eyes grew dark black and he rushed at me at vampire speed. My own brother, trying to kill me. But before he could get anywhere close to me, I worked up a storm. I'm not kidding, I made a storm and kept him were he was. I used the earth to climb up Damon and keep him in his place. I sat due to the exhaustion. I haven't used that much power since well... actually it wasn't to long ago, maybe two weeks. What I was not preparing for was that Stefan would wack me on the head. And, Ladies and Gentlemen, would you like to know why my oh so dearest brother hit me on the head with? A book. He hit me on the head with a freaking book. And how did he manage to knock me out?  Because he was dumb enough to use his vampire strength. I mean, how dumb can you be? I grunted right before I passed out, looking at Damon and using all of my energy to pull down the earth. 

      "You're welcome," I whispered before I blacked out.

I'm so sorry that this was short, but this is the best I can must in less than.... 15 minutes. Thank you for your time and patience and I will hopefully write back soon.


Vampire Diaries and Percy Jackson crossover (unfinished)Where stories live. Discover now