Chapter 3

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Already Chapter 3 in four days. Guys, I'm on a role (if that makes any sense)

Anyways, onto the story.

      On the way back to my mother's apartment, I stopped at the candy store. But not just any candy store, but the candy store my mother worked at. See, I was here to say goodbye to my mother, because for some reason, there weren't that many staff today and my mother couldn't get out of work. I opened the store door and smelled the sticky delight of candy. I smiled as I went to the counter and confronted my mother.

      "Hi, mom." 

      "Hi Percy."

      "I came to say goodbye to you." Sally nodded her head and stepped out of her side of the counter to my side. She hugged my goodbye which felt amazing, since I rarely got to see her since I was a demigod.

      "Percy, please be careful." Sally whispered. I nodded. I didn't need to be asked again. Sally let go of our hug and put her hands on my shoulders. "Percy, I've been doing some digging around about Mystic Falls and there are somethings you need to worry about. First is a Vampire. They are not emposia and they can kill you easily. The second is a werewolf. Don't make them angry. And finally there are witches. Please make friends with at least one of them. They will protect you then." I knew my mom was going to do some digging. Luckey, she didn't know what my last name was and that my mothers had actually been involved with a couple vampires. And that at least Stefan was a vampire. But oh well.

      "I promise." Sally hugged me one last time.

      "Bye Percy."

      "Bye mom." After all the sappy talk, I left the candy store and went to our apartment and packed up the remainder of what was left of my so called room. Seriously, it seemed as though my mother was remodeling my place, even though I would only be at Mystic Falls for a tiny bit. After I finished doing that, I looked at the clock and found that it was 4:00. My plane leaves at 4:30. Great. (you can use stronger words if you would like to, just please don't say them in the comments) I quickly vapor traveled, which I used in rare occurrences, because it exhausted me, both mentally and physically and I couldn't do more than one a day. I ended up in front of the airport and ran with my duffle bag inside. I was not going to be late. I quickly went through security and checked my duffle bag in and quickly jogged to where I was supposed to get on the airplane.  They were almost closing the gate when I arrived. I quickly handed the flight attendent my ticket and went onto the plane. Let's just say that my plane was seated by two girls. Just my luck, both of them seemed to giggle and look at me with love-struck eyes. Another flight attendant stood at the front of the plane and showed us how to put on seat belts and what you should do if the plane crashed, which, hopefully wouldn't happen if Zeus keeps his promise. Or if he remembers his promise. And that he's not mad at me. That too. I sighed, but quickly grabbed both armrests tightly as the plane started. This was going to be a very nerve racking flight.

I hoped you liked it.

Peace out


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