Chapter 4

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If any of you guys have suggestions (clean of course) please comment. I need some help.


This will take place after Damon's "smart" and takes the dagger out of Elijah, but before the rest are undaggered.

Hope you enjoy.

      After the plane landed, I quickly got out of there as fast as I could. That took about 10 minutes. Man these people are slow. As I got out of the plane, I smelled cinnamon and pretzels, but I knew I couldn't use money on that stuff. You might be asking, "Why Percy?" Well, you see, money doesn't grow on trees. I had to work for about 6 months at a high paying job to get me to where I am, because, me being a loving son, didn't want to take any money from my mother, because my mother was struggling with money at the moment, because she had to save up so much for her wedding with Paul. I walked away from the delicious smell and went down the stairs and got my duffle bag after 5 minutes of searching. After 15 minutes, I went out of the airport and hailed a cab, or whatever you call it in Virginia. Let's just say that it wasn't the best smelling vehicle in the world. I wrinkled my nose. The two hours to Mystic Falls was torture and took a lot of money out of my pockets. I quickly got out of the cab and walked to the town square. It was much like I remembered it as, just a little more... upbeat if you get what I mean. No, "I'm scared of the vampires" vibe. That's good. Let's just hope that Stefan isn't on his murderous rampage all these years later. I would think that he would be exhausted by now and that his guilt would set in. By the looks of it, his guilt did. OH, forgot to mention that the square is filled with druggies and people dancing. And that it's nighttime and that in the "old days" everyone would be locked up in their houses. I started to get uncomfortable, especially when a couple girls started to check me out, seeing that I didn't have a girl with me. I guess they didn't think that I didn't bring Annabeth along.

      "Hi!" a girl said as she walked over, followed by two other girls. 

      "Um, Hello?" I really didn't know what to say. Hey, cut me some slack, I've only been here for 2 minutes and people are already confronting me and trying to flirt. I was getting nervous.

      "I haven't seen you around here." The girl said, trying to spark up a conversation. Alright, I'll bite.

      "Yeah.  I'm here to visit my cousins. There names are Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Do you know them?"

      "The Salvatore brothers. Of course. Here, follow us." The three girls walked away and I didn't really want to follow them, but my curiosity hit me. I followed them. We weaved through the crowds and honestly, if I wasn't a demigod, I would have lost them. They finally brought me to a brown haired girl who looked just like Katherine, only with straight hair, next to Stefan. He was looking at me with interest and puzzlement, like he was trying to match me to a face. Of course he could, but that would take a few days. At least if I didn't tell him. Which I don't think going to. Add the suspense. At least until either try to kill me. But it's at the last resort.

      "Hello," I said as I stuck out my hand for Stefan to shake, "it's a pleasure to meet you."

      "Do I know you?" Stefan asked, still trying to put the pieces together.

      "It's possible," was all I said. Great thinking, Percy. Next time, maybe you could use more words.

      "Well, this is Elena," Stefan said, putting his hand on Elena. (I was going to write Bella for a second, oops 😂) I could see that he was trying to tell me not to go on his girl, but I would have because I'm his brother. And because I have Annabeth, of course. Although, DAM my brother has some good picks. 

      "Hello, Elena, my name is... Jackson." I cringed at the name.

      "Hello Jackson," Elena cooed, visibly liking my body. Stefan looked at me with a fierce glare. I sighed, knowing I'd have to make it right.

      "I'm sorry, Elena, but I have a girlfriend. She's amazing and I'm not planning on ditching her." Elena nodded and Stefan looked at me with interest now. I shrugged.

      "I'm kind of new here and since Stefan was kind of knew, so I heard, I was wondering if he would have any tips for me." Stefan looked at me again with curiousness.

      "Sure." Stefan let go of Elena and started to walk towards a bar, grabbing two drinks. He put something into my drink. Poisoning now brother? He handed me the tainted drink and drank some of his. We both started to walk then. I didn't trust my drink.

     "So, what do you want to know about Mystic Falls?"

     "I was thinking something around the lines of who should I stay away from, if there are vampires here anymore besides you, and don't forget, any werewolves or witches." Well. I kind of just blew my cover. Oops. Stefan looked at me with a hidden expression, but what I could see seemed to be worry. 

      "So you know that I'm a vampire," Stefan said slowly.


      "And that Damon-"

      "Is your brother and is most likely your brother because he is still alive." I keep slipping up! What's happening!

       "Yes," Stefan said, staring at my glass. I knew I should probably show him that I wasn't a werewolf or vampire. I sighed.

      "Bottoms up," I said, and drank the glass...

And the Cliffhanger. 

I am so sorry for those of you who had to wait for me to finish this, but I was really, really busy last week and today was the only day to finish it. I know that's a lame excuses and I'll try to write quickly on the next one.


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