Cars (Kinda Smut idk) Part 2

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(Pic unrelated but it's funny lmao)
Tord blushed dark red by me doing this and I saw it, I was having a laugh until...
Toms POV
My pants felt tight... Tord out of all people in this world is the last one I wanted to have nasty (get yo head out the gutter for now) thoughts about gave me a boner... why, I took in his every detail, his red and silver eyes, the small freckles on his face you could only notice if you looked hard enough, hell I just noticed he wore wrist bands as well! Tord is perfect, that's the last thing I expected to think of today "I'm so boredddd", I mumble trying to sound not interested in him "Tom you can't be bored as you were literally looking at my face inspecting it with interest", ... "alright fine maybe I'm NOT bored", "Tom you know if you want me to fuck you ya could have just asked", that is what was on my mind! Can tord read my mind? "But were in the car?", "don't worry", he said with a grin on his face "so do you wanna do it, Tom~", he said seductively into my neck "y-yes".
Tords POV
W-what Tom our of all people hates me the most wants me to fuck him? Well I will take this opportunity since I have had a tiny crush on the small Brit. (tord taller than Tom in dis chapter deal with it) I brought Tom into a kiss and he kissed back and it deepend
Timeskip after they finished fuckin I guess (I'm tired and I have been doing this for weeeeeks)
3rd person POV
After Tom and tord finished the NaSTy they cleaned up before edd got back and they enjoyed the rest of the ride and had one hell of a time.

304 Words
Hey wassup, sorry this broke down I am incredibly tired and I'm sitting on Tons of drafts of unfinished fics so this is really bad anyways cya lol

TomTord/TordTom OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now