Chapter 10

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Of course his plan was easier said than done.

He got them to meet at the Black Line. Unfortunately, neither of them said a word as they just glared at each other.

Alfred didn't know how long he would be able to take the silence.

"Okay, so we've met." He said.

"We're brothers, Alfred." Nicholas said, not taking his eyes off of Benjamin.

"We are not brothers." Benjamin glared.

"Sorry, Benny-boy but blood says otherwise."

"Do not call me that."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"Okay," Alfred interfered before the two could land in some punches. "Nicholas, why don't you tell Benjamin what's been going on."

"Not until he apologizes." Nicholas said.

"Me apologize? You started it." Benjamin said.

"This is great, you two are talking." Alfred stated, excitedly.

"Quiet, boy."

"This is ridiculous. You two can talk nice about each other when you're apart but can't do it when you're face to face?"

"No one asked you." Benjamin said.

"King Benjamin, Nicholas is not the one sending the attacks, it's someone else."

"Is that true?" Benjamin asked Nicholas.

"Yes." Nicholas responded. "I don't know who's been doing it."

"Which is why we need to quit whatever feud this is and work together." Alfred declared.

"He's right." Nicholas said. "What do you say, brother?"

He stuck his hand out towards Benjamin who looked at it for a moment before clasping his hand.

"Alright. Let's do this."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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